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You are talented but are you using your talent? Think !

You are talented but are you using your talent? Think !_2.1

“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent, leave the house before you find something worth staying in for. ”

― Banksy

Interestingly this world is a pool of talent but sadly, not every talent surfaces up.

You are talented but are you using your talent? Think !_3.1

Let me ask you – What is your talent? Will you be able to answer this without thinking? If NO, then think why haven’t you thought of it yet?

Many of you may even come up with the answers like “I do not have any talent”.

Trust me, it’s not true. All of us are talented. It’s just that in the rush for jobs and careers, we do not bother to unearth our talent and just decide to follow the bhed-chaal.

If you are one of them, then take a Pause and retrospect! Make sure you use your God-Gifts before they fade away.

Talent can be anything that you can do extraordinarily well. Be it cooking, dancing, speaking, programming, designing, problem solving, comedy or any other thing. Every one of us has talents, but only few are aware of it and even fewer are able to put it to the right use!

So, if you have forgotten your skills, no time can be sooner than today to start working on yourself and building up your talents by pursuing your hobbies and the things that you love to do.

Remember that it takes courage to follow your dreams, make use of your potential and choose the path that you actually want to take. You may have to defy a lot of traditions and thoughts to listen to your heart and go for your talent and passion. Despite of all the difficulties, JUST GO FOR IT!

Build and reshape. You are talented like all of the others; the only difference you’ll make is when you USE it!

Take risks and make a life worth living!

Lord Buddha has rightly said, “Everyone is gifted here, but some of us never opened their package”.