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17th May World Telecommunication Day

World Telecommunication Day – There is a day set aside for every kind of achievement or cause, and World Telecommunications Day is no less an achievement which was started way back in 1969. It has been celebrated every year with growing fervor as the field of telecommunications has touched newer horizons ever since. It began with the day being named as World Information Day and later changed to World Information Society Day and finally to what it is called now as the World Telecommunications Day from the year 2006. This year the celebration is on a bigger scale of achievements in the field of technological advancements. The accelerated growth in the past decade has proved that sustainable goals can be chalked out and the development in this direction will be an excellent pathway for development for the next decade.

World Telecommunication Day 2020

The focus on this year’s agenda of commemorating the day for global connectedness with the help of information technology. And its viability to accelerate the progress in lending a helping hand in the development of humankind. The reason it can help make progress for people who have limited means to also bridge the divide in the disparity of income means as well as livelihoods.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​World Telecommunication Day 2020 Theme

Connect 2030: ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)​

The topical theme is chosen every year, and it emphasizes telecommunications, especially the internet. The ICT or Information Communication Technologies worked on ways to explore how complicated and unstructured data could help to function into user-friendly information and strive for development.

The official website of ITU which is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies states that- 

The theme “Connect 2030: ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, will allow ITU membership to reflect on the ICT advances for transition to smart and sustainable development. It will focus on specific ICT-enabled solutions and emerging trends for fostering economic, environmental and social sustainability, contributing to the five strategic goals of the Connect 2030 Agenda:

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There will be discussions on recognizing the need for information and communication to start  sustainable means for economic and environmental issues. To find solutions in this direction and be able to engage more emerging innovations that will help foster a better impact on the lives of people. With telecommunication and information technology, there are endless possibilities that can be explored, and the themes indicate such a trend on the year it was celebrated on this day. The positive usage of communication would be the key to bring in radical change, and the celebration is to bring light to the subject and bring in policy changes in this direction.

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World Telecommunication Day Significance

The new wave of technological jump that we were fortunate to witness will help bridge the long-awaited standardization gap. We can make a difference in remote and rural areas where most of the population lives and with limited means can be enabled to achieve triumphs as their urban counterparts with the help of affordable technology. Artificial intelligence, which is making inroads in various fields, as well as usage of Big Data, machine learning and cloud computing, has made so many changes and things easier in multiple areas of agriculture, industries, manufacturing, transportation, and other services.

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Since the world over these topics would be discussed and will bring in more ideas to propagate the benefits of such advancement, this day especially will help to share and get involved in one of the biggest revolutions of the world in a big way. And indeed, bring in a change in the way how the world works and definitely change it for the better.

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