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World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 on 28 April

Annually on 28th April, the International Labour Organisation celebrates World Day for Safety and Health at Work to raise awareness for adopting safety practices in the workplace and to protect employees during the on-going crisis and in the long run. In acceptance of the COVID-19 pandemic, the slogan for the World OSH day 2020 is “Stop the pandemic: safety and health at work can save lives”.  For the first time, this day was coordinated and celebrated by ILO on 28th April 2003.

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The infectious cases of COVID-19 are continuously rising in the world and the health workers, government organizations are working continuously to combat the COVI-19 pandemic and to sustain the declining rate of COVID-19. Besides concerns about the immediate crisis, ILO is concerned about the safety measures once the workplaces are resumed. The director of the International Labor Organization used the occasion of World Safety and Health at Work Day to make us remind that in any organization decent, safe, and healthy working conditions and environments are the major responsibility of all of us and we must ensure no employee got harm during their work hours. 

Why World Day for Safety and Health at Work is important?

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an international campaign that is run every year with an objective to promote safety, health, and decency at workplaces. It is celebrated annually on 28th April and has been observed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) since 2003.

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National occupational safety and health culture is one in which all the right to an employee for a safer and healthier working environment is respected at all levels. In this annual campaign, the governments, employers, and workers actively and continuously take part in securing a safe and healthy working environment. This is achieved through a well-organized system of defined rights, responsibilities, and duties, and among all aspects, where the principle of prevention is on top priority.

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 Theme

Every year, a particular theme is decided to be focused by ILO and this year the theme for World Day for Safety and Health 2020 was to address violence and harassment in the workplace which has now been replaced due to the concern of the current crisis of COVID-19 that has spread all across the globe. ILO will address the special safety measures for protecting the millions of workers who are risking their lives every day to serve the people of the nation when the whole world is affected by COVID-19.pandemic. In addition to raising awareness, adopting safety practices must be the important focus of this International Day. It will also focus on the methods to prevent the infection for the long-term, which includes both recovery and future preparedness.

The aim of this day in 2020 is to stimulate the progress made in suppressing and sustaining the transmission of the virus. This will be achieved in particular by accommodating effective measures into the Occupational Safety and Health management systems and policies at both the national and enterprise levels.  

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