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4th October- World Animal Welfare Day 2021

Today, 4th October every year is observed as World Animal Welfare Day. This day is celebrated internationally on the occasion of the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. The motive to observe this day as the world animal welfare day is to raise the status of animals and improve their welfare. Today, in this article we are going to discuss the importance and history of the world animal welfare day 2021.

World Animal Welfare Day

As mentioned above, World Animal Day is celebrated internationally every year.  The theme for the World Animal Day for the year 2021 is “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet”. With the celebration of this day,  we can raise awareness for animal welfare and make a better place to live for the animals. The day is celebrated in different countries and in different ways.

History of World Animal Welfare Day

In the year 1925, the day was first observed by the animal protection activist Heinrich Zimmermann, though today, the yearly global celebration of animals is spearheaded by UK-based animal welfare charity, Naturewatch Foundation. To spread awareness, in 2003, Naturewatch Foundation launched the first World Animal Day website, which contains the lists of global World Animal Day events that take place on and around World Animal Day and encourages supporters to add their own events to the directory. The activity was originally scheduled for October 4, to align with the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology.

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