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Who Are Eligible To Apply For Bank Jobs ?

Bank jobs are one of the most sought after jobs and many students want to pursue a career in banking sector. Banking sector is one such sector which gives  handsome money along with other benefits. Students also tends to opt for this career because of great career growth which is offered by this sector. In this artcle, we will be discussing who all can apply for bank jobs?

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There are mainly three positions for which candidates can apply in Bank

Clerical – Clerical posts job include the positions like a clerk, clerk-cum-cashier, typist, steno, agricultural clerks, data entry operators, and telephone operators

PO – Probationary officer post- Any Fresher can apply for this post. The selected candidates have to undergo the two year probation period.

SO- Specialist Officer are the skilled and specialized officers excelling in their respective domains.

Eligibility Criteria To Become A Clerk

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • If the candidate wants to apply for the clerical post, he/she must be a graduate from a recognized University.
  • The candidate must be between the age group of 18-28 years and relaxation is also there in age limit for SC/ST/OBC/PH or any other reserved category.
  • In Public Sector banks, Rs 18000-22000 is the average salary for entry-level clerks per annum depending on their place of posting.

Eligibility Criteria to become a PO

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • For the post of the probation officer, the candidate’s age should be at least 21 years and maximum of 30 years.
  • The candidate must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.
  • It is important for the candidate to have the  knowledge of computers and especially MS Office.
  • In Public Sector banks, Rs. 40,000 to 44,000 is the average salary received by a PO per annum and they are also entitled to other benefits as well.

Eligibility for Specialist officer

Streams for which candidates can usually apply are:

  • Agriculture Field Officer (Scale-I)
  • Marketing Officer (Scale-I)
  • IT Officer (Scale-I)
  • Law Officer (Scale-I)
  • HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)
  • Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale-I)

Eligiblity criteria for Specialist officer stream wise:

S.No. Post Educational Qualification
1. I.T. Officer (Scale I) 1)Four years of engineering/Technology degree in Computer Science/IT/Computer Application/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electronics and Telecommunication/ Electronics and Instrumentation OR
2) Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science/IT/Computer Application/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electronics and Telecommunication/ Electronics and Instrumentation OR
Graduates having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level exam
2. Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I) 4 years graduation degree in agriculture/ Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ dairy Science/ Agricultural engineering/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri Marketing and cooperation/ Co-Operation and Banking/ Agro-Forestry
3. Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) Post Graduate in Hindi with English as a subject at the graduation or degree level OR Post-Graduate Degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as a subject at graduation level
4. Law Officer (Scale I) A bachelor’s degree in Law and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council
5. HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) Graduate and Full Time Post Graduate Degree or Full-time Diploma in Personnel Management/ Industrial Relation/ HR/ HRD/ Social Work/ Labour Law
6. Marketing Officer (Scale I) Graduate and Full-Time MMS (Marketing)/ MBA (Marketing)/Full time PGDBA/ PGDBM with specialization in Marketing

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