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When will IBPS Declare the IBPS PO Prelims 2020 Exam’s Results?

The Institute Of Banking Personnel and Selection has reopened the online application process for IBPS PO, RRB, and Clerk Recruitments after conducting the online preliminary examination for IBPS PO and RRBs. This was done in order to allow students graduating this year to be able to compete in these recruitment drives, as most of the universities in the nation could not conduct the final exams on time due to coronavirus pandemic lockdown.

IBPS has released the dates to conduct the IBPS PO Preliminary exam for the canidates who will register this time in the re-opened window, but has not declared the date for the preliminary exam’s result or the conduct of the main exam.

All those students who have already appeared in the prelims are awaiting their results and are wondering when will IBPS declare the IBPS PO Prelims 2020 results?

IBPS PO Prelims Result 2020 Expected Date

The dates on which IBPS will conduct the second round of prelims exam for the candidates who will register now are 5th and 6th Jan 2021. It is expected that the results for all the candidates will be released in 15-20 days after the exam.

We suggest all those students who have appeared in the IBPS PO Prelims 2020 already to keep on preparing for the main exam and utilize this time to get maximum results from your preparation.

IBPS so far has not released any official notice regarding tentative date of prelijms results or main exam. We will post the latest updates on bankersadda.com

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