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What Should Be Expected Good Attempts For IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020

IBPS PO Prelims exam is schedule to be conducted on 3rd, 10th and 11th October 2020. Candidates are advised to download their call letters for the same and start giving final touch to their preparation. In this, space we will be sharing about the Expected Good Attempts for IBPS PO Prelims exam 2020. Our analysis will be based on many factors like: the total number of vacancy, Difficulty level of exam etc. These factors influence the cut off of an exam to a great extent and hence we will be covering them in detail here. Also, this is just expected Cut-Off and the final cut off may vary so prepare accordingly.

What Should Be Expected Good Attempts For IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020_3.1

What Should Be Expected Good Attempts For IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020

Let’s consider all the factors that will determine the Expected Cut off for IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020:

Number of Vacancy

Number of vacancy have reduced tremendously this year. Thus this will also affect the cut-off as well. Last year the cut off was 59.75 and the number of vacancy reported were 4337 and this year the number of vacancies are 1417 so we can expect the cut off to be higher side.

What Should Be Expected Good Attempts For IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020_4.1

Increasing Competition

Over the years, the competition has only become fierce. Number of serious candidates has increased tremendously as we can see that the cut off has only increased over the years. Last year the number of vacancies were more than the its precedent year, yet the cut off was higher. From this you can analyses that the competition is only increasing with time.

Cut off comparison 2017-2018 IBPS PO -prelims 2017 IBPS PO – Main 2017 Final cut off 2017 IBPS PO -Prelims 2018 IBPS PO -Main 2018 Final cut off 2018
General 42.75 82 47.04 56.75 74.50 43.87
OBC 42.25 75.63 43.02 55.50 68.38 40.29
SC 36 62.50 38.56 49.25 56.38 35.78
ST 28.50 42.25 33.73 41.75 35.75 31.60

IBPS PO 2019

Given below is the Mains cut-off of IBPS PO 2019-20:

Sno Category Marks (Out of 225)
1 General 71.25
2 SC 55.63
3 ST 38.13
4 OBC 70.25
5 EWS 65.88

What Should Be Expected Good Attempts For IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020_5.1

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-off Comparison

What Should Be Expected Good Attempts For IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020_6.1

IBPS PO Prelims2020: Expected Good Attempts

Now, that we have considered almost all the factors that plays an important role in determining the IBPS PO good attempts. We can say that the expected Cut off  will be more this year in comparison to the last year

We are giving you the IBPS PO Prelims 2020 Expected Cut Off. We will update this after the exam analysis:

Subject IBPS PO Prelims
Reasoning Ability 32-35
Quantitative Aptitude 25-30
English Language 23-27
Overall 65-67

We hope that the above given information will be useful for you. For more interesting and informative articles, stay tuned to bankersadda!

What Should Be Expected Good Attempts For IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2020_7.1

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