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What is Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)?

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) has been recently approved by the Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The scheme has been stated to be implemented from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 i.e. for a period of 5-years in all States/Union Territories. As the name suggests, PMMSY is a fisher centric umbrella scheme in which the key stakeholders would be fishers, fish farmers, fish workers and fish vendors.

What is Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)?_3.1

What is Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)?

PMMSY is a scheme which has been launched by the central government to bring about Blue Revolution via sustainable and responsible development of fisheries sector in India. The scheme intends to address critical shortfalls in the fish production as well as productivity, technology, modernisation and strengthening of value chain, traceability, quality, etc.

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Structure of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY):

PMMSY is a umbrella scheme constituting two separate components such as: Central Sector Scheme and Centrally Sponsored Scheme. PMMSY has been approved at a total estimated investment of Rs 20,050 crores. The composition of investment is as follows:

  • Central Share of Rs 9407 crore
  • State Share of Rs 4880 crore
  • Beneficiaries Share of Rs 5763 crore

Objective Of The Scheme:

  • The scheme aims to harness the fisheries potential in a sustainable, responsible, inclusive as well as equitable manner.
  • It aims to improve fish productivity via expansion and intensification.
  • It has a traget of modernizing and strengthening of value chain through post harvest management & quality improvement
  • It also aims to ensure social, physical and economic security for fish farmers and fishers.

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Some activities to be undertaken under PMMSY:

Following activities will take place to achieve the objectives of the PMMSY: Genetic improvement programmes and Nucleus Breeding Centres; Training, awareness, exposure and capacity building; setting up Aquatic Quarantine Facilities; Modernization of fishing harbours of central government and its entities; setting up Fish Farmer Producer Organizations/companies, etc.

Implementation Of The Scheme:

Following will act as the End Implementing Agencies for the implementation of PMMSY:

  • Central Government and its entities such as National Fisheries Development Board
  • State/Union Territory Government as well as their entities such as state fisheries development board
  • Any other End Implementing Agencies as decided by the Department of Fisheries

Beneficiaries of the PMMSY:

PMMSY will have a very wide coverage and will include the following as the beneficiaries: Fishers, fish farmers, fisheries development corporations, Self Help Groups, Fisheries Federations, fish workers and fish vendors, fish farmers producer organisations, etc.

Impact Of The PMMSY:

The investment of Rs 20,050 crores is the highest ever amount allocated for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector. PMMSY is expected to enhance the fish production from 13.75 million metric tons (2018-19) to 22 million metric tons (2024-25). It also envisages to double the export earnings by 2024-25 to about Rs 1,00,000 crores, hence doubling the incomes of fishers as well as the fish farmers. The huge amount of investment in the sector will also generate about 55 lakhs of gainful employment opportunities along with supply and value chain.

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