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Check Good Attempts in upcoming SBI Clerk Prelims 2020

SBI Clerk Prelims Good Attempts 2020: As the time left with you is limited. You all must be wondering as to how many questions would make a good attempt? In this article we will be answering all your good attempt queries. It is always good to have a target before heading for anything. But go with the flow is another approach. Attempt as the exam level is set up with. Do not get demoralise if you are unable to achieve your set target. Exam level might be difficult. Do not get easy if you achieve your target earlier as paper might be easy and you may need to attempt more questions.

The Good Attempts for SBI Clerk Prelims exam will depend on various factors like:

  • The difficulty level of the questions asked in the examination.
  • Pattern of the examination (traditional pattern/new pattern).
  • Number of vacancies.
  • Number of candidates who have appeared in the examination.

Considering the vacancies for this recruitment process and average attempts done by candidates appearing throughout the nation. But considering the recent examinations of clerical or assistant level, we can make a certain expectation of what the good attempts for SBI Clerk Prelims exam should be? This will help you to aim to score accordingly in each section and overall in the exam.

SBI Clerk Prelims 2020 Expected Good Attempts

According to the analysis & current trends of recently held prominent banking exams, we are expecting the SBI Clerk Prelims exam to be of a Easy-Moderate Level. This means that if you are preparing to crack SBI Clerk Prelims then you should aim to attempt 71-82 questions with good accuracy.

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