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What are the latest updates on Covid vaccine 2021?

The world is facing the pandemic of COVID-19. WHO and partners work together to challenge this condition and to go through it- tracking the pandemic and distributing vital medical supplies to those in need.

Vaccines save many lives by providing the immunity to the body. Vaccines work by training the body and preparing the body’s natural defences i.e. the immune system- to recognize and fight off the viruses they target. After vaccination, if the body is exhausted and leading to illness it means that the body is immediately ready to destroy those viruses and fight against them.

Vaccination is the Immunization

Vaccines are new tool in the battle against COVID-19 and it is very inspiring that many vaccines are prove to be the successful tool. Working together speedily, all the scientists from across the world are collaborating and inventing to bring us tests, treatments that will in result save lives and end this pandemic.

Now there are many doubts and unclarities against COVID-19 vaccines like:

1. Will COVID-19 vaccines provides long term protection?

This answer cannot be defined because COVID-19 vaccines have been developed in last few months so it is very critical to say about the long term protection. Research is ongoing. We can only say that these vaccines provide immunity to the body for a short term for sure, it can provide you the immunity to fight against the virus which will not affect your lungs as hard as it can without vaccination.

2. How long will it take to stop this pandemic by COVID-19 vaccines ?

The impact of COVID-19 vaccines depends on various factors such as in how much time they are manufactured, approved, and delivered. The other possible results depend on many people get vaccinated.

3. What are the benefits of getting vaccinated?

  • Getting vaccinated will give energize the body to fight against the viruses.
  • Vaccines can protect the lungs to not affect much badly.
  • More the people will be vaccinated more the herd immunity will be develop.

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