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Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 4th February 2022

Vocabulary Words: For most banking Aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with the Visual vocabulary words and their meaning.

    Redound (verb)

    Meaning; To attach, come back, accrue to someone

    Synonyms: return

    Antonyms: depart


  1. Obstreperous (adjective)

    Meaning; Attended by, or making, a loud and tumultuous noise; boisterous.

    Synonyms: loud, noisy

    Antonyms: peace, calm


  1. Stash(noun)

    Meaning; A collection

    Synonyms: store, hoard

    Antonyms: discard, dump


  1. Replete (Adjective)

    Meaning; filled to near the point of bursting

    Synonyms: full, overflowing

    Antonyms: empty, absent


  1. Gaunt (adjective)

    Meaning; lean, angular and bony

    Synonyms: thin, weak

    Antonyms: fat, strong


  1. Largesse (noun)

    Meaning; Generosity in the giving of gifts or money.

    Synonyms: generosity

    Antonyms: meanness


  1. Brickbat (noun)

    Meaning; A criticism or uncomplimentary remark

    Synonyms: affront, condemn

    Antonyms: commendation, compliment

  8.  Exigent (noun)

    Meaning; Urgent; needing immediate action


    Synonyms: crucial, important

    Antonyms: unimportant, invaluable     

    9. ernicious (adjective)

    Meaning; Causing much harm in a subtle way


    Synonyms: harmful

    Antonyms: beneficial

   10.  Jeer (verb)

    Meaning;  To mock


    Synonyms: ridicule, taunt

    Antonyms: praise applaud

    11. Echelon (noun)

    Meaning; A level or rank in an organization, profession


    Synonyms: grade, rank

    Antonyms: unsettle, unemployment

12. Coruscate (verb)

    Meaning; To give off light; to reflect in flashes; to sparkle


    Synonyms: sparkle, shimmer

    Antonyms: dull, dim

13.Abysmal (adjective)

    Meaning; extremely bad; terrible.


    Synonyms: awful, bad

    Antonyms: good, nice

14. Fidgety (adjective)

    Meaning; Having, or pertaining to, a tendency to fidget; restless


    Synonyms: uneasy, restless

    Antonyms: calm, tranquil


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