1. Bounteous: Adjective (ज़ोरदार)
Meaning: generously given or giving; bountiful (large in quantity; abundant)
Synonyms: Ample, Plentiful, Bighearted
Antonyms: Scarce, inadequate
2. Opportune: Adjective (उपयुक्त)
Meaning: especially convenient or appropriate for a particular action or event, well timed
Synonyms: appropriate, favorable, suitable
Antonyms: disadvantageous, improper, inappropriate
3. Stalwart: noun, adjective (पक्का समर्थक, निष्टावान)
Meaning: A loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team
Synonyms: Staunch, Loyal, Faithful, Committed, Devoted, Dedicated, Dependable, Reliable, Steady, Constant, Trusty
Antonyms: Disloyal, Unfaithful, Unreliable
4. Exhort: verb (आग्रह करना)
Meaning: strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
Synonyms: advise, encourage, prompt, inspire
Antonyms: deter, discourage, inhibit
5. Unheeded: adjective (अनदेखा)
Meaning: heard or noticed but disregarded.
Synonyms: Neglected, Ignored, Unconsidered
Antonyms: Noticed, Regarded, Focused, Considered
6. Predicament: noun (दुर्दशा)
Meaning: a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
Synonyms: Difficulty, Dilemma, Quandary, crisis
Antonyms: Benefit, Advantage, Ease
7. Palatable: adjective (स्वीकार्य)
Meaning: acceptable or satisfactory, pleasant to taste
Synonyms: Delicious, Delightful, Pleasing, Grateful
Antonyms: Distasteful, Unpleasant, Tasteless
8. Incumbent: noun (पद धारी, पदस्थ व्यक्ति)
Meaning: Person who is holding an official post at a particular time.
Synonyms: Holder, Bearer, Occupant; Office-bearer, Officer, Functionary, Official, Current, Existing, Present, In office, In power, Reigning
9. Ramification: noun (जटिल परिणाम)
Meaning: The possible result of a decision or action
Synonyms: Consequence, Result, Aftermath, Outcome, Effect, Upshot, Issue, Sequel
Antonyms: Cause, Origin, Source, Antecedent, Inception
10. Edifice: noun (संस्थान, प्रभावशाली इमारत)
Meaning: A system that has been established for a long time/ an impressive building.
Synonyms: Development, Premises, Establishment, Building, Structure, Construction, Erection, Pile, Complex, Assembly