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Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021

For most banking Aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with the Visual vocabulary words and their meaning.

Visual Vocabulary Word:

1. Rejuvenate (verb)

Meaning; To render young again

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_3.1

Antonyms; worsen, deplete

Synonyms; renew, revive


2. Articulate (verb)

Meaning; Clear; effective.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_4.1

Antonyms; hesitant, uncertain

Synonyms; effective, persuasive


3. Tumble (noun)

Meaning; A fall, especially end over end

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_5.1

Synonyms; fall, drop

Antonyms; rise, ascend


4. Mercurial (adjective)

Meaning; Having a lively or volatile character

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_6.1

Synonyms; fickle, volatile

Antonyms; steady, stable


5. Spurt (noun)

Meaning; A sudden brief burst of, or increase in, speed, effort, activity, emotion or development.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_7.1

Synonyms; rise, increment

Antonyms; diminish, decrease


6. Scrap (verb)

Meaning; To discard.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_8.1

Synonyms; abolish, abandon

Antonyms; restore, have


7. Crusade (verb)

Meaning; To make a grand concerted effort toward some purportedly worthy cause.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_9.1

Antonyms; submit, promote

Synonyms; campaign, struggle


8. Relic (noun)

Meaning; Something old and outdated

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_10.1

Synonyms; antique, artifact

Antonyms; modern, latest


9. Stringent (Adjective)

Meaning; Strict; binding strongly

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_11.1

Synonyms; hard-line, inflexible

Antonyms; flexible, relaxed


10. Confine (verb)

Meaning; To restrict

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 23rd March 2021 |_12.1

Synonyms; imprison, enclose

Antonyms; liberate, free


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The motive of the Visual Vocabulary Word

We all know that visuals give a deep impact on our minds to learn something. In this new Visual Vocabulary Drive, We will be giving you new words daily with a visual and its meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and their usage that will familiarize you with a vast variety of words and will increase your overall vocabulary.  Candidates must check the vocabulary page daily for new words.

Importance of Vocabulary

  • The reading comprehension from which 50% of the questions of the English language section are based,  does not only require the candidate to have a good reading skill but also requires a good hold on the English vocabulary. A good vocabulary will give the candidates of a better understanding of the comprehension which will benefit them in scoring maximum marks.
  • A good vocabulary also helps a candidate to crack the interview round of the banking exams. The candidate can form a sentence perfectly if he/she has a good vocabulary.
  • Apart from the reading comprehension section, there are multiple portions of the English test where vocabulary can be used.


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