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Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021

For most banking Aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with the Visual vocabulary words and their meaning.

Visual Vocabulary Word:

1. Petulant (adjective)

Meaning; forward; pert; insolent

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_3.1

Antonyms; patient, easy going

Synonyms; impatient, crabby


2. Abominate (verb)

Meaning; To feel disgust towards

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_4.1

Antonyms; love, affection

Synonyms; despise, abhor


3. Nab (verb)

Meaning; To seize, arrest or take into custody

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_5.1

Synonyms; arrest, hold

Antonyms; liberate, free


4. Onlooker (noun)

Meaning; A spectator; someone looks on or watches, without becoming involved or participating.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_6.1

Synonyms; viewer, spectator

Antonyms; Participant, player


5. Plummet (noun)

Meaning; Violent or dramatic fall

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_7.1

Synonyms; decline, diminish

Antonyms; increase, rise


6. Stupefy (verb)

Meaning; reducing responsiveness; to dazzle or stun.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_8.1

Synonyms; astound

Antonyms; calm


7. Jockey (verb)

Meaning; To maneuver (something) by skill for one’s advantage.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_9.1

Antonyms; mislead, misguide

Synonyms; maneuver, engineer


8. Fume (verb)

Meaning; To express or feel great anger.

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_10.1

Synonyms; blow up

Antonyms; calm


9. Plethora (noun)

Meaning; An excessive amount or number; an abundance

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_11.1

Synonyms; slew, abundance

Antonyms; rarity, scarcity


10. Meek (adjective)

Meaning; Submissive, dispirited

Visual Vocabulary Word: Improve Your Vocabulary with Daily Use Words: 11th March 2021 |_12.1

Synonyms; submissive, supportive

Antonyms; critical, bold


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The motive of the Visual Vocabulary Word

We all know that visuals give a deep impact on our minds to learn something. In this new Visual Vocabulary Drive, We will be giving you new words daily with a visual and its meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and their usage that will familiarize you with a vast variety of words and will increase your overall vocabulary.  Candidates must check the vocabulary page daily for new words.

Importance of Vocabulary

  • The reading comprehension from which 50% of the questions of the English language section are based,  does not only require the candidate to have a good reading skill but also requires a good hold on the English vocabulary. A good vocabulary will give the candidates of a better understanding of the comprehension which will benefit them in scoring maximum marks.
  • A good vocabulary also helps a candidate to crack the interview round of the banking exams. The candidate can form a sentence perfectly if he/she has a good vocabulary.
  •  Apart from the reading comprehension section, there are multiple portions of the English test where vocabulary can be used.


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