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UPPSC PCS 2020 Study Plan

UPPSC Preparation 2020: UPPSC has released the notification for Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services (Preliminary) Examination 2020 and Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest Officer Services Examination-2020 on 20th April 2020. A total of 200 vacancies have been released for different posts as mentioned in the notification. The application process has already started and the last date to register online is 21st May 2020 as per the official notification. Many of you must be scratching your heads and thinking that how you can ace this exam. Well to solve your problem we are giving you an elaborate study plan which you can utilize to refine your preparation.

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UPPSC PCS 2020 Study Plan

This study plan will help you to guide you in the right direction of your preparation. You can follow it to get the maximum benefit out of it as it is curated by our experts having years of experience in this field.

Date Day Quiz Number Of Questions & Marks Marks Distribution in 2019 Marks Distribution in 2018
1 May Friday Quant 10Q 20 Marks 33% 35%
Indian Economy Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 16%
History Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 17% 15%
Science & Technology Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 7% 7%
Geography 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
2 May Saturday Indian Polity Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 15% 13%
Environment Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 11% 13%
Current Affairs Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 28%
English Comprehension 10Q 20 Marks 20% 22%
Reasoning 10Q 20 Marks 17% 16%
3 May Sunday Full Length Test GS/CSAT with weekly Current affairs Quiz 100Q 200 Marks 100%
4 May Monday Quant 10Q 20 Marks 15% 28%
Indian Economy Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 11% 16%
History Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 15%
Science & Technology Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 7%
Geography 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
5 May Tuesday Indian Polity Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 13%
Environment Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 13%
Current Affairs Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 17% 28%
English Comprehension 10Q 20 Marks 7% 16%
Reasoning 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
6 May Wednesday Quant 10Q 20 Marks 15% 28%
Indian Economy Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 11% 16%
History Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 15%
Science & Technology Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 7%
Geography 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
7 May Thursday Indian Polity Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 13%
Environment Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 13%
Current Affairs Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 17% 28%
English Comprehension 10Q 20 Marks 7% 16%
Reasoning 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
8 May Friday Quant 10Q 20 Marks 15% 28%
Indian Economy Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 11% 16%
History Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 15%
Science & Technology Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 7%
Geography 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
9 May Saturday Indian Polity Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 13%
Environment Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 13%
Current Affairs Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 17% 28%
English Comprehension 10Q 20 Marks 7% 16%
Reasoning 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
10 May Sunday Full Length Test GS/CSAT with weekly Current affairs Quiz 100Q 200 Marks 100%
11 May Monday Quant 10Q 20 Marks 22% 28%
Indian Economy Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 16%
History Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 17% 15%
Science & Technology Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 7% 7%
Geography 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
12 May Tuesday Indian Polity Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 15% 13%
Environment Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 11% 13%
Current Affairs Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 28%
English Comprehension 10Q 20 Marks 14% 16%
Reasoning 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
13 May Wednesday Quant 10Q 20 Marks 22% 28%
Indian Economy Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 16%
History Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 17% 15%
Science & Technology Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 7% 7%
Geography 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
14 May Thursday Indian Polity Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 15% 13%
Environment Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 11% 13%
Current Affairs Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 22% 28%
English Comprehension 10Q 20 Marks 14% 16%
Reasoning 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
15 May Friday Quant 10Q 20 Marks 22% 28%
Indian Economy Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 14% 16%
History Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 17% 15%
Science & Technology Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 7% 7%
Geography 10Q 20 Marks 14% 8%
16 May Saturday Indian Polity Quiz 10Q 20 Marks 15% 13%

Tips and Strategies 

Be Mentally Prepared

Yes! first thing to do is to understand that this is not going to be a cake walk. This mentality will help you in the final day as you will not be surprise by the difficulty level of the exam. Do not skip anything thinking this can’t be asked, you don’t know the paper setter. This exam is known for surprises. So you have to be mentally prepared that anything from anywhere can be asked.

Study Current Affairs and Important Events

Prelim is all about current affairs and this can sail you through your exam. Students are advised to follow the static part of the current affairs as this is how usually questions are formed on current affairs. The exam setter will not ask you directly a question from the current event infact it will ask a question of national importance from the static part. So make sure you are well-verse in that section.

Also Read,

Remember the Basics

Basics are the building block of your preparation. You cannot learn anything new or understand anything new if you have no idea about the bascs of the concept you are studying. So make sure that you have brush your basics well. It can help you to crack any exam.

State-related questions

UPPSC PCS is a state exam hence the chances that the state related questions will be there are very high so make sure that you know everything related to UP  from geographical to economic to political and technological section anything can be asked.

Test Yourself with Mocks and Test Series

After following all the steps above, if you think you are prepare then its the time to analyze your preparation by giving the mock exam. Give as much mocks as you can because only then you can understand you flaw and the areas of imprrovement.

Don’t Make Random Guesses

This exam has negative marking in the UPPSC preliminary exam, candidates must not lose their accuracy at any cost. It will be very difficult for any aspirant to memorize all the facts and figures and it will be a difficult exam for all hence just to attempt more question, do not start marking questions randomly though the best way to get the right answer is through the elimination process.

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