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Union Bank SO Syllabus, Exam Pattern 2021: Download UBI Bank Syllabus PDF

Union Bank SO Syllabus 2021: The Union Bank of India has released the official notification to recruit 347 Specialist officers (SO). Candidates who are appearing for the UBI SO Exam 2021 must have started their preparations with full enthusiasm to crack the upcoming examination. To help all those aspirants we will be looking at the detailed syllabus and exam pattern of Union bank SO 2021 which will help the candidates in covering all the important topics that can be asked in the examination. Keep reading to know more:

Union Bank of India SO Exam Analysis 2021

Union Bank SO Exam Pattern 2021

The Union Bank SO Exam 2021 will be consisting of four sections for which the candidates will be given two hours of duration. Candidates must check the detailed UBI SO Exam Pattern from the table mentioned below:

Subject Number of Question Total Marks Duration
Reasoning 50 25 2 Hours


Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
English Language 50 25
Professional Knowledge (relevant to the post) 50 100
Total 200 200


Union Bank SO Syllabus 2021

In the table mentioned below, we will be looking at the topics in each section that the candidates must cover to ensure scoring maximum marks in the upcoming Union Bank SO Exam 2021.

Union Bank SO Syllabus 2021

Reasoning Ability  Quantitative Aptitude  English Language
Direction Profit and percentages Synonyms and antonyms
Arithmetical reasoning Boats and streams Reading comprehension
Eligibility test Pipe and cisterns Vocabulary
Logical sequencing Averages Error spotting
Alphanumeric sequence puzzle Problems and LCM and HCF Error correction
Venn diagrams Races and games Fill in the blanks
Data sufficiency Time and distance Rearrangement of sentences
Series completion Compound interest Idioms and phrases
Alphabet test Simple interest Sentence construction
Inserting missing characters Number problems One phrase substitution
Mathematical operations Simple equations
Analogy Quadratic equations
Clocks and calendars Ratio and proportion
Statements and conclusions Time and work
Order ranking Mixtures allegations allegations
Situation reaction test Mensuration
Arguments and statements Numbers and ages
Coding – decoding Problems on trains
Passage conclusions Probability
Theme detection Simplification of approximation



Union Bank of India(UBI) SO Admit Card 2021 Out Download Here


Union Bank SO 2021 Important Dates

UBI is accepting online applications for UBI SO 2021 till 3rd September 2021. Candidates can check the other important dates from the table below:

UBI Recruitment 2021: Important Dates
Events Dates
UBI Notification Released 12th August 2021
UBI SO Online Application Starts 12th August 2021
Last date to Apply Online 3rd September 2021
Online Test To be Notified Soon

Union Bank SO Syllabus, Exam Pattern 2021: Download UBI Bank Syllabus PDF_5.1


Union Bank SO Syllabus 2021: FAQs

Q. How many sections are there in the Union Bank SO Exam 2021?

Ans: There are 4 sections in the Union Bank SO Exam 2021.

Q. When will the Union Bank of India conduct the UBI SO Exam 2021?

Ans: No official date has not been released yet for the UBI SO Exam 2021.

Q. Is there any negative marking in the Union Bank SO 2021 exam?
Ans: Yes, there is a negative marking of 25% for every wrong answer.

Q. Is there any sectional timing in the Union Bank SO Exam 2021?
Ans: There is no sectional timing, the overall duration of the examination will be 2 hours.

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How many sections are there in the Union Bank SO Exam 2021?

There are 4 sections in the Union Bank SO Exam 2021.

When will the Union Bank of India conduct the UBI SO Exam 2021?

No official date has been released for the UBI SO Exam 2021. 

Is there any negative marking in the Union Bank SO 2021 exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 25% for every wrong answer.

Is there any sectional timing in the Union Bank SO Exam 2021?

There is no sectional timing, the overall duration of the examination will be 2 hours.