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Types of Puzzles to practice for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam

Types of Puzzle for RBI Assistant Exam: Reasoning is the onerous section which is a matter of concern for students due to raising bar in the complexity of puzzles. Now a days, puzzles are not asked in the conventional pattern, there have been many changes in this topic over the years. Whole section is based on the puzzles and no doubt, sometimes they are time taking to be cracked. Puzzles occupy the major area in the reasoning section thus it is important to know the types of puzzles for RBI Assistant Exam.

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Talking about the RBI Assistant prelims exam, one can expect a total of 3-4 puzzles in the reasoning section with 5 questions in each puzzle. Some puzzles are easy to tackle while topic of the some puzzles may break your bone with the complexity. You have to be very careful while selecting the question to solve as it may consume all your time and you will end up with nothing. So let us discuss the type of puzzles that you must practice for RBI Assistant Prelims exam.

Types of Puzzles to practice for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam

Over the years, banking examination have thrown many major changes on aspirants to test their skill and ability to tackle. With the changes, there are many types of puzzles that need your attention to score maximum marks in the RBI Assistant Prelims exam.

Do not forget to read these important stories:

Types of Puzzles to be practiced

  • Puzzles based on categorization.
  • Puzzles based on comparison. (Based on height, color, marks, age etc)
  • Puzzles based on Blood Relation.
  • Day/month based puzzles.
  • Floor/lift based puzzles.
  • Designation based (salary, experience etc)
  • Linear puzzle
  • Parallel lines puzzles
  • Circular puzzle
  • Box based color (with color etc)
  • Mix puzzle

Puzzles mentioned above, can be easy or the most trickiest to tackle with. There can be variation or you can expect puzzle from the topics like blood relation. direction sense etc which may make the question even more complex to solve. It is important for every aspirant to be very clear with the basic concepts of each and every chapter to solve the puzzles easily. We can not presume any topic to be easy, as you are going to appear for the RBI exam, be ready for the challenge.

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