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Types of Para Jumble and How to Solve Them?

Para Jumble is one of the most important topic of English Language section. Be it prelims or mains you can find this topic in both the exams. Depending on the level of the exam, examiner can easily set the difficulty level of this topic. Students often aren’t able to understand the right approach to solve this topic. We will be covering the right approach in this article so make sure you read this article without skipping a word.

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What Is Para Jumble?

Para jumbles are jumbled paragraphs. Basically, you are given a paragraph – and the sentences of that paragraph are not correctly arranged. You have to find the  sentence which is the opening sentence of the paragraph and then the subsequent sentences afterwards to solve the para-jumble.

Type of Para-Jumbles

  • In the first type,  simply 4 or 5 sentences are given, which need to be rearranged into a paragraph
  • In the second type, the opening sentence and closing sentence are already fixed and students are expected to arrange the rest of the sentences.
  • In the third type, The sentence are also need to be arranged in the given paragraph and then those rearranged sentences need to be arranged as well. 

How to Solve Para-jumbles

Scan all the sentences:  Read or Scan all the sentences to get an idea about the topic. Try to figure out what the paragraph is all about?

Figuring out the Opening sentence:  Once you are done with the first step of scanning, It will be easy for you to figure out the opening or the starting sentence  as it usually depicts place, time, name, general topic, concept etc. It  will be the one providing some introductory line means it will introduce the topic. Theme of the paragraph must be clear in your head only then you can find the opening statement.

Try to form a link between the opening sentence and the body of the Para-Jumbles: The best approach to do this step  is to establish a link between any two statements. Once you will  found a link, you get to know which statements will come together. The one without a pair will be most likely to be the correct option. You must look at those sentences that are directly connected through  pronoun or Acronyms or starting with the articles which follows the opening sentences.

Try to find out all the Mandatory Pairs: Now this is the body of the Para-Jumbles one must look at all mandatory pairs based on Noun-Pronoun & Adjective pair, It can be Cause-Effect Relationship pair for ex – Due to, as, since, In order to, Because, So-that, Therefore, Consequently etc. will give a hint to find out these types of pair in the sentences. It can be Time sequencing pair with words like- Before, After, Later etc.  The last one is Example based Pair. 

Now Searching for the Transition Words:

Words like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’ and ‘because’ are all transition words. They help the reader to locate relationship between phrases, sentences or even paragraphs. It also tells the forthcoming events coming in the Para-Jumbles.

Some of the words which can help you to find the transitional sentence are:-  Nevertheless, Although, Nonetheless, But, Notwithstanding, Despite, On the Contrary, However, While, Yet, Instead of etc.

Find the Concluding Statement: Based on paragraph find  the concluding statement. This statement will be giving some moral, summing up the entire passage , giving a solution to the problem etc.

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