Now, the question is why Adda 247 app is so popular?
Since IBPS Results 2017 has been out, we have received many success stories from students and most of them will have a mention about Adda247 App. After reading feedback from thousands of aspirants, we feel the these three feature of the app stand out and help aspirants in a unique way –
1. Quizzes in a offline mode : The app contains Quizzes Section-wise, Subject-wise, Chapter-wise and Topic-wise. The best part is that once downloaded, quizzes can be given any time in offline mode, without any internet requirement.
2. Conceptual Videos: You can find well segregated conceptual as well as practice videos for Bank and SSC Exams. These videos are really helpful in understanding concepts in a audio-video manner.
3. Instant Alerts related to fresh vacancies, results and current affairs : Since mobile is most in our hands, instant alerts help a lot. You are always updated on current affairs and latest vacancies.
4. Study with a peaceful mind with no distractions : The is no commenting in app. So many aspirants prefer app since it is silent and there is no unnecessary disturbance due to commenting of aspirants.
We would like to thank you all for your love and support. We are constantly working to give your a better and simpler way to study. Thanks once again.
If you are not using adda 247 app, you can download it here and start using it.
Note: Currently our app is available for Android Devices Only. IOs App (for Apple devices) will also be available soon.