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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Undesirable Acquittal | 24 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Article of 20 June 2020- Undesirable Acquittal

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Undesirable Acquittal | 24 June 2020 |_3.1

Words Meaning
Acquittal (noun)
A judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
setback (noun) A reversal or check in progress.
Marital (adjective)
Relating to marriage or the relations between a married couple.
Disbelief (noun)
Inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real.
Absolve (verb) Declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.
Guilty (adjective)
Culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.
Heinous (adjective)
(of a person or wrongful act, Especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.
Expeditious (adjective)
Done with speed and efficiency.
Trial (noun) A formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.
Sensational (adjective)
Causing great public interest and excitement.
Conspiracy (noun)
A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
Preserve (verb)
Maintain (something) in its original or existing state.
Narrative (noun)
A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.
Hireling (noun)
A person employed to do menial work.
Commuted (verb)
Travel some distance between one’s home and place of work on a regular basis.
Life sentence (noun)
A punishment of life imprisonment or of imprisonment for a specified long period.
Remission (noun)
The cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty.
Succumb (verb)
Fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
Inflict (verb)
Cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something.
Gaze (verb)
Look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
Assailant (noun)
A person who physically attacks another.
Grievously (adverb)
To a very severe or serious degree.
Deposition (noun)
The action of deposing someone, especially a monarch.
Exoneration (noun)
The action of officially absolving someone from blame; vindication.
Impede (verb)
Delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.
Progressive (adjective)
Happening or developing gradually or in stages.

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Undesirable Acquittal | 24 June 2020 |_4.1

Article from- The Hindu Editorial
Prosecution (noun)
the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.
Deed (noun)
an action that is performed intentionally or consciously.
Suspicion (noun)
a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.
Interfere (verb)
intervene in a situation without invitation or necessity.
Abducted (verb)
take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap.
Opportune (adjective)
(of a time) especially convenient or appropriate for a particular action or event.
Suppress (verb)
forcibly put an end to.
Verdict (noun)
a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.
Sentence (verb)
declare the punishment decided for (an offender).
Circumstance (noun)
a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.

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