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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Policy Retreat |20 July

The Hindu Editorial Article of 20th July 2020 – Policy Retreat.

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Policy Retreat |20 July_4.1

1.Retreat (verb) पीछे हटना
Meaning:-an act of moving back or withdrawing.
Synonyms:- evacuation, flight, withdrawal
Antonyms:- advance, arrival, coming
Example:- If we fail, there must be a retreat westwards at least seventy miles.

2.Rhetoric (noun) वक्रपटुता
Meaning:- language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
Synonyms:- bombast, composition
Antonyms:- quiet, conciseness
Example:- We see therefore that even in rhetoric an element of truth is required.

3.Deportation (noun) निर्वासन
Meaning:- the action of deporting a foreigner from a country.
Synonyms:- displacement, eviction
Antonyms:- welcoming, approval
Example:- So he looked for a remedy to emancipation followed by deportation.

4.Intend (verb) इरादा करना
Meaning:- design or destine something for a particular purpose.
Synonyms:- aim, contemplate, design
Antonyms:- disbelieve, disregard
Example:- I intend going with Windich to-morrow easterly in search of water.

5.Enforcement (noun) प्रवर्तन
Meaning:-the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation.
Synonyms:- compulsion, constraint
Antonyms:- abandon, disregard
Example:-The act further provides penalties and means of enforcement.

6.Foist (verb) थोपना
Meaning:- impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on.
Synonyms:- impose, compel to accept
Example:- Suppose we divide up the responsibility and foist half of it on Stephen?

7.Bar (verb) रोक
Meaning:- prevent or prohibit (someone) from doing something or from going somewhere.
Synonyms:- block, barricade
Antonyms:- free, let go
Example:- Away runs the waiter to the bar and gets the ale from the landlord.

8. Imply (verb) मतलब
Meaning:- indicate the truth or existence of (something) by suggestion rather than explicit reference.
Synonyms:- entail, hint, involve
Antonyms:- define, explicate
Example:-This petition does not imply, therefore, that we are to make God’s name holy.

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Article from- The Hindu Editorial

9.Ratchet up ( phrasal verb) शाफ़्ट
Meaning:- to increase/reduce something over a period of time

10.Backlash (noun) प्रतिक्रिया
Meaning:- a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development.
Synonyms:- reaction, repercussion
Antonyms:- cause, question
Example:-The backlash of that blast must have caught the majority of the lights also.

11.Bolster ( verb) आधार
Meaning:- support or strengthen.
Synonyms:- aid, boost, buoy
Antonyms:- block, decrease, discourage
Example:-Spread it with the jam, and roll up in the form of a bolster.

12.Retreating (verb) पीछे हटना
Meaning:-(of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat.
Synonyms:- abandon, back down, back off
Antonyms:- advance, come
Example:- A blind man might have followed the trail of the retreating army.

13.Back Down (phrasal verb) छोड़ना
Meaning:- withdraw a claim or assertion in the face of opposition.
Synonyms:- abandon, admit, back off
Antonyms:- advance, allow
Example:- What are you going to do, Dave—try to turn around here or back down?

14.Alienate (verb) विमुख
Meaning:- make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
Synonyms:- disaffect, divide, estrange
Antonyms:- combine, join
Example:- Every effort was made to alienate her from her French relations.

15.Precarious (adjective) अनिश्चित
Meaning:- not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
Synonyms:- dangerous, delicate, dicey
Antonyms:- certain, definite, guarded
Example:- Never had he been so fond of this body of his as now when his tenure of it was so precarious.

16.Succour (noun) परेशानी में सहायता
Meaning:- assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
Synonyms:- sustenance, aid, help
Antonyms:- blockage, hindrance
Example:- We slept five times instead of thrice and still no succor came.

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