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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Need for Caution | 18 September

The Hindu Editorial Article of 18 September 2020 – Need for Caution.

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Gestation (noun) गर्भावधि
Meaning:-the development of something over a period of time.
Synonyms:- evolution, fecundation
Antonyms:- decrease
Example:- Sparrman says that the period of gestation is twelve months.

Midwife (verb)
Meaning:- help to bring about.
Synonyms:- obstetrician, accoucheuse
Example:- On the honor of a midwife, I have seldom brought into the world one so pretty.

Efficacious (adjective) प्रभावोत्पादक
Meaning:-(of something inanimate or abstract) successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.
Synonyms:- effective, effectual
Antonyms:- impotent, incapable
Example:- Everyday influences, even the smallest and most dissimulated, are often the most efficacious.

Deployed (verb) परिनियोजन
Meaning:-bring into effective action.
Synonyms:- expand, open
Antonyms:- conclude, end
Example:- Accordingly he at once deployed his division and advanced by counter-march against them.

Evidence (verb) सबूत
Meaning:-be or show evidence of.
Synonyms:- demonstrate, evince
Antonyms:- conceal, hide
Example:- I ask our youngest citizens to believe the evidence of your eyes.

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Article from- The Hindu Editorial

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Immense (adjective) अत्यधिक
Meaning:-extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
Synonyms:- boundless, colossal
Antonyms:- bounded, calculable
Example:- The immense majority of us prefer a God at second or third hand.

Incumbent (adjective) निर्भर
Meaning:-necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.
Synonyms:- binding, necessary
Antonyms:- unnecessary
Example:- It was incumbent upon Mr. Gladstone to lead the opposition to this motion.

Vigilant (adjective) जागरूक
Meaning:- keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Synonyms:- anxious, attentive
Antonyms:- careless, heedless
Example:- He will find me punctual and vigilant, and anxious to do what is right.

Scrupulously (adverb) राजनीति
Meaning:-in a very careful and thorough way.
Synonyms:- carefully, meticulously
Example:- I was scrupulously careful not to do so, for I did imagine something like what has happened.

Indigenously (adjective) देश में ही
Meaning:-. Originating, growing, or produced in a certain place or region

Ensure (verb) सुनिश्चित
Meaning:-make certain that (something) will occur or be the case.
Synonyms:- assure, establish, insure
Antonyms:- endanger, harm
Example:- A man might do it once by good luck, but none could ensure it.’

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