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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- For the Weakest | 31 August

The Hindu Editorial Article of 31 August 2020 – For the Weakest.

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- For the Weakest | 31 August_4.1

Marginalised (verb) अधिकारहीन कर दना
Meaning:- treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.
Synonyms:- criticize, demean, deprecate
Antonyms:- elevate, praise
Example:- Women either play a secondary role or are completely marginalized

Cogent (adjective) निश्चयात्मक
Meaning:- (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.
Synonyms:-compelling, convincing, forceful
Antonyms:- ineffective, unimportant
Example:-Considering his great distress, the reasons must have been cogent indeed.

Verdict (noun) निर्णय
Meaning:- an opinion or judgment.
Synonyms:-answer, award, conclusion
Antonyms:- accusation
Example:-“Nobody in this room could hope to escape,” was the verdict of that survey.

Competence (noun) क्षमता
Meaning:- the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
Synonyms:-capability, capacity, competency
Antonyms:- ignorance, impotence
Example:-There is no mention in the old play of this “competence of life.”

Preferential (adjective) बेहतर
Meaning:- of or involving preference or partiality; constituting a favour or privilege.
Synonyms:-advantageous, preferred, favorite
Example:-Preferential trade was the alternative path to the imperial federation.

Trickled down (phrasal verb )
Meaning:- (of wealth) gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.

Tinkering (verb) फेरबदल
Meaning:- attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way.
Synonyms:-dabble, mess, doodle
Antonyms:- break, destroy
Example:-The carpenter took more than a day, tinkering at an old ship’s boat.

Amended (verb) संशोधन
Meaning:- make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances.
Synonyms:-alter, enhance, lift
Antonyms:- lower, worsen, break
Example:-It has been amended to “at the Inn” to match the chapter heading.

Caveat (noun) चेतावनी
Meaning:- a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
Synonyms:-admonition, alarm
Example:-This plan is preferred by many inventors to filing a caveat.

Inclusions (noun) समावेशन
Meaning:- the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.
Synonyms:-admittance, formation
Antonyms:- exclusion, subtraction
Example:-Like most generalizations, this one has possibly more exceptions than inclusions.

Subsequent (adjective) आगामी
Meaning:- coming after something in time; following.
Synonyms:-consecutive, consequent
Antonyms:- preceding, anteceent
Example:-This was subsequent to the completion of the temple and of the royal houses.

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- For the Weakest | 31 August_5.1

Article from- The Hindu Editorial

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Struck down ( verb) निष्फल करना
Meaning:- to declare (a law) illegal and unenforceable
Synonyms:-annul, disallow
Antonyms:- allow, approve
Example:-the Supreme Court struck down the law

Citing (verb) हवाला देना
Meaning:- summon (someone) to appear in court.
Synonyms:-allege, allude to, indicate
Antonyms:- conceal, deny
Example:-This is shown by his citing authority for it as for something which might be disputed.

Carved out ( phrasal verb ) कड़ी मेहनत से कमाना
Meaning:- to create or obtain something that helps you by skillful activities:
Synonyms:-accept, arrest, capture
Antonyms:- drop, fail, free

Overturns (verb) पलट जाना
Meaning:- abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.).
Synonyms:-annul, capsize
Antonyms:- allow, approve
Example:-And even if it does not overturn if it fails, it will not end, but pause.

Jurisprudence (noun) न्यायशास्र
Meaning:- the theory or philosophy of law.
Synonyms:-act, case, charge
Antonyms:- disorganization, lawlessness
Example:-The true principle is taught not by jurisprudence but by history.

Veering (verb) मुड़ना
Meaning:- suddenly change an opinion, subject, type of behavior, etc.
Synonyms:-change, detour
Example:-The wind had veered, and in veering had fallen a very little.

Oppression (noun) उत्पीड़न
Meaning:- prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority.
Synonyms:-abuse, brutality, coercion
Antonyms:- help, kindness, niceness
Example:-The demon of oppression had hidden her head ashamed, and fled to her den!

Moot (adjective) विवादास्पद
Meaning:- subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty.
Synonyms:-debatable, problematic
Antonyms:- certain, definite
Example:-The actual temperature of the moon’s surface by day is a moot point.

Better off (phrase) किस्मत का धनी
Meaning:- in a more desirable or advantageous position, especially in financial terms.
Synonyms:-happier, more fortunate
Example:-The poor could work their way, driving cattle for the better-off.

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