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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Conventional Dissonance | 29 August

The Hindu Editorial Article of 29 August 2020 – Conventional Dissonance.

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Conventional Dissonance | 29 August_4.1

Alienating (verb)अलगाव की भावना
Meaning:- make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
Synonyms:- disaffect, divide, estrange
Antonyms:- combine, join
Example:- Every effort was made to alienate her from her French relations.

Hues (noun) रंग
Meaning:- character or aspect.
Synonyms:-complexion, tinge
Antonyms:- white
Example:- The lamplight imparted the hue of yellow wax to their pale faces.

Denouement (noun) नतीजा
Meaning:-the outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear.
Synonyms:-climax, culmination, finale
Antonyms:- beginning, opening
Example:- The only general feeling was that a denouement was approaching.

Shredded (adjective) अलग-अलग
Meaning:- torn or cut into shreds.
Synonyms:-shave, sliver
Antonyms:- mend, sew
Example:- As far as the eye could see I beheld only flattened and shredded ruin.

Moorings ( noun) टिकने का साधन
Meaning:- an established practice or stabilizing influence
Synonyms:-anchorage, berth
Example:- We climbed the dark and empty stairs, upward into the mooring mast.

Dug his heels in (phrase)
Meaning:- to refuse to change your plans or ideas, especially when someone is trying to persuade you to do so

Impeachment (noun) दोषारोपण
Meaning:- the act of making a formal statement that a public official might be guilty of a serious offence in connection with his or her job, especially in the US
Synonyms:-allegation, arraignment
Antonyms:- praise, absolution
Example:- The minister is currently under threat of impeachment.

Conjured up (Idioms.) ताज़ा कर देना
Meaning:- to present to the mind; evoke or imagine
Synonyms:-call, contrive
Antonyms:- forget, ignore
Example:- he conjured up a picture of his childhood.

Prevail (verb) प्रबल
Meaning:- prove more powerful or superior.
Synonyms:-abound, beat, overcome
Antonyms:- fail, forfeit
Example:- Lady Booby was going to call her back again, but could not prevail with herself.

Premise (verb) आधार
Meaning:- base an argument, theory, or undertaking on.
Synonyms:- announce, assume
Antonyms:- calculate, complete
Example:- I fully agree with the premise, but not with the conclusion.

Succumbed (verb) आगे घुटने टेक दिए
Meaning:- fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
Synonyms:-bow, break down
Antonyms:- continue, defend
Example:- I struggle in vain against them; but the more I struggle the more I feel I must succumb.

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Conventional Dissonance | 29 August_5.1

Article from- The Hindu Editorial

Deleterious (adjective) हानिकारक
Meaning:- causing harm or damage.
Synonyms:-bad, destroying
Antonyms:- aiding, assisting
Example:- I hope the bill will pass without any deleterious amendments.

Strident (adjective) कठोर
Meaning:- presenting a point of view, especially a controversial one, in an excessively forceful way.
Synonyms:-blatant, jarring
Antonyms:- quiet, silent
Example:- “Just a little friendly call,” Cassidy announced, in his strident voice.

Flared up (noun) भड़कना
Meaning:- a sudden outburst of something, especially violence or hostility.
Synonyms:-begin, come
Antonyms:- end, leave, stop

Condemns (verb) निंदा करना
Meaning:- prove or show to be guilty or unsatisfactory.
Synonyms:-castigate, censure
Antonyms:- approve, compliment
Example:- I am afraid you will condemn my warmth: But does not the occasion require it?

Foment (verb) भड़काना
Meaning:- instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action).
Synonyms:-abet, arouse, brew
Antonyms:- deter, discourage, calm
Example:- No, Princess; my part is to restore peace, not to foment strife.

Drowning out (transitive verb)
Meaning:- to drive (a person or an animal) from home by flooding : force (as a mine) to shut down by inundation
Synonyms:-hush, muffle
Example:- How long would it take to fill the hole and drown out the woodchuck?

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