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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Capsule- August 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Capsule- To crack any Government Exam, it is important to work on your vocabulary and this is the best time when you can start building your vocabulary. No matter which exam you are preparing for, there is a certain section in Government exams where questions from this topic are asked in form of Synonym, Antonym etc. You cannot ace this topic in a day or two. For this you need to practice on a daily basis. Usually students thinks that they’ll cram all the words on the last day but that’s not how it works and it’s very important to understand as well. We understand that how much vocabulary plays an important role in your selection and hence we are launching “The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Capsule” here you will get all the important and relevant words from the August Hindu Newspaper. 

If we consider banking exams, English Language section consist of around 7-8 questions  based on vocabulary and it can only be improve if you work on it daily. One of the best way to build your vocabulary is Reading newspaper or any articles or magazines etc as it can serve this purpose very effectively. This capsule aims to reduce your time in reading newspaper. In this space we are providing you the Consolidated Capsule of August 2020 and We are also giving you the way which will be helpful for you to Maximize the use of this PDF.

How to make the Maximum use of this PDF

1. First step will be to go through this PDF once and read all the words and their meanings.

2. Next step is to divide the words in group on the basis of their Positive or Negative Meaning.

3. Write these words and draw column

Positive Meaning Words Negative Meaning Words

4. Now, write all the words having positive meaning in one column while the Negative one in another column.

Negative Positive
Terror Beautiful
Fright Aethetic
Horror Serene
Panic Safe

5. Next step would be to try using all these words in different sentences like negative, positive. Make sure to try to use the antonym of the given word, synonym of the given word in sentences like-

  • I fear reptiles.
  • This Pandemic is a complete horror
  • London 2020  is a horror movie.
  • Due to coronavirus, World is in panic state right now.

It might look a time taking process currently but eventually when you will develop a habit, it will become much more easier for you. This will be very beneficial as you can eliminate many options from this method. This is one of the best way to guess the right meaning of the word. Given below is the Consolidated PDF to help you to build your vocabulary.

Click Here To Download The Hindu Vocabulary PDF

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