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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Calibrated Balance | 24 July

The Hindu Editorial Article of 24th July 2020 – Calibrated Balance.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Calibrated Balance | 24 July_3.1

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Calibrated Balance | 24 July_4.1

Calibrated (adjective) जांचना
Meaning:- carefully assessed, set, or adjusted.
Synonyms:- adjust, assess, average
Antonyms:- disorder, disorganize
Example:- The galvanometer can be calibrated with this resistance, which is known as a shunt.

Laid out ( verb) लगाना
Meaning:- to work out the details of (something) in advance
Synonyms:- disburse, expend
Antonyms:- hoard, neglect, save
Meaning:- Minister S. Jaishankar laid out India’s world view in the face of global challenges

wary (adjective) सावधान
Meaning:- feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
Synonyms:- attentive, circumspect, considerate, distrustful
Antonyms:- careless, certain, inattentive
Example:- India must be wary of alliance systems

Contention (noun) तर्क
Meaning:- an assertion, especially one maintained in an argument.
Synonyms:- argument, conflict, controversy, dispute
Antonyms:- accord, agreement, harmony, peace
Example:- Mr. Jaishankar’s contention was that nonalignment as a concept belonged to a bygone era

Non- Alignment (noun) गुटनिरपेक्षता
Meaning:- does not support or depend on any powerful country or group of countries.
Example:- Mr. Jaishankar’s contention was that nonalignment as a concept belonged to a bygone era

Bygone (adjective) पुराना
Meaning:- belonging to an earlier time.
Synonyms:- ancient, dead, departed
Antonyms:- alive, existent
Example:- Mr. Jaishankar’s contention was that nonalignment as a concept belonged to a bygone era

Disentangled (verb) सुलझाना
Meaning:- free (something or someone) from something that they are entangled with.
Synonyms:- detach, disengage, emancipate
Antonyms:- attach, connect, tangle
Example:- it would no longer remain disentangled from difficult situations.

Standoff (noun) क़ायम
Meaning:- a deadlock between two equally matched opponents in a dispute or conflict.
Synonyms:- deadlock, impasse
Antonyms:- agreement, breakthrough
Example:- the venue of a nearly three-month-long standoff

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Calibrated Balance | 24 July_5.1

Article from- The Hindu Editorial

Constraints (noun) बाध्यताएं
Meaning:- a limitation or restriction.
Synonyms:- pressure, restraint, coercion
Antonyms:- deterrent, discouragement
Example:- Mr. Jaishankar’s comments are a cleareyed assessment of India’s constraints and avenues for its potential growth.

Assertion (noun) अभिकथन
Meaning:- a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Synonyms:- affirmation, allegation, contention
Antonyms:- desertion, quiet, silence
Example:- The assertion of India’s strategic independence

Speculation (noun) चिंतन
Meaning:- the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
Synonyms:- belief, conjecture, opinion
Antonyms:- reality, truth, disdain
Example:- resistance to joining any alliance comes as a timely reminder amid speculation that tensions with China will push India into a stronger clinch with Washington

Clinch (verb) कड़ी
Meaning:- confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).
Synonyms:- assure, cap, conclude
Antonyms:- delay, put off, disprove
Example:- resistance to joining any alliance comes as a timely reminder amid speculation that tensions with China will push India into a stronger clinch with Washington

Bilateral (adjective) द्विपक्षीय
Meaning:- having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides.
Synonyms:- mutual, reciprocal, respective
Antonyms:- multilateral, unilateral
Example:- the government has rightly chosen not to raise its tensions with China in any forum other than bilateral talks with Beijing

Seek (verb) तलाश करना
Meaning:- attempt to find (something).
Synonyms:- explore, follow, investigate
Antonyms:- ignore, shun
Example:- India should also seek to build coalitions with “middle powers

Coalitions (noun) गठबंधन
Meaning:- a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.
Synonyms:- affiliation, alliance, amalgam
Antonyms:- detachment, disconnection
Example:- India should also seek to build coalitions with “middle powers

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Calibrated Balance | 24 July_6.1

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