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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Beyond the Pale |18 July

The Hindu Editorial Article of 17th July 2020 – Beyond the Pale.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Beyond the Pale |18 July_3.1

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Beyond the Pale |18 July_4.1

1.Pale (verb) : फीका
Meaning:- seem or become less important.
Synonyms:- dim, dull, faded
Antonyms:- bright, clear, colored
Example:- It is beyond the pale

2. Prolong (verb): लम्बा
Meaning:- extend the duration of.
Synonyms:- continue, delay, drag out
Antonyms:- abbreviate, advance
Example:- Rajasthan is in for a prolonged political drama.

3.Purported (adjective):- कथित
Meaning:- appearing or stated to be true, though not necessarily so; alleged.
Synonyms:- imply, pose as pretend
Antonyms:- conceal, deny
Example:- the emergence of purported evidence of horsetrading

4. Tricks up the sleeves (Idiom)
Meaning:- A secret plan, idea, or advantage that can be utilized if and when it is required.

5. Playout (phrasal verb)
Synonyms:- afoot, become, come up
Example:- The opposing sides have presented varying accounts of what led to the political crisis that continues to play out.

6. Tandem (adjective):- अग्रानुक्रम
Meaning:- having two things arranged one in front of the other.
Synonyms:- lineup, organization, party
Antonyms:- single, teammate
Example:- Mr. Pilot has been acting in tandem

7. connivance (noun):- मिलीभगत
Meaning:- willingness to allow or be secretly involved in an immoral or illegal act.
Synonyms:- conspiracy, intrigue, machination
Example:- if not in connivance, with the BJP, though there can be a dispute regarding the endgame.

8. Intervene (verb):- हस्तक्षेप करना
Meaning:- take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events.
Synonyms:- interfere, involve, divide, intermediate
Antonyms:- combine, connect
Example:- When God is pleased to intervene, it is not for man to try to understand.

9. Turf (noun): -मैदान
Meaning:- grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots.
Synonyms:- lawn, sod, soil, peat
Example:- The origin of these turf monuments is still a matter of controversy.

10.Colluding (verb):- मिली भगत
Meaning:- cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others.
Synonyms:- connive, intrigue, plot
Example:- BJP have been colluding to knock down the government

11.knock down (adjective):- मार गिराना
Meaning:- capable of knocking down or overwhelming someone or something.
Synonyms:- announce, offer, bring out
Antonyms:- conceal, deny, dissuade
Example:- BJP have been colluding to knock down the government

12.overlap (verb) परस्पर-व्याप्त होना
Meaning:- extend over so as to cover partly.
Synonyms:- flap, overlay, go beyond
Antonyms:- divide, separate
Example:- The pattern of activities and the characters all point to the overlap between his plans.

13. rounded up ( noun):- लिपटा हुआ
Meaning:- a gathering in of scattered persons or things
Synonyms:- bring in, bring together, cluster, drive
Antonyms:- disperse, scatter
Example:- The MLAs supporting him were rounded up in a resort in BJP-ruled Haryana.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- For Equal Treatment |17 July
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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- Beyond the Pale |18 July_5.1

Article from- The Hindu Editorial

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14. set out (phrasal verb )प्रस्थान करना
Meaning:- aim or intend to do something.
Synonyms:- detail, mention, catalog, specify, record
Antonyms:- conceal, estimate, guess, hide
Example:- The Rajasthan police have set out to procure voice samples of MLAs housed in Haryana

15. procure (verb):- परिश्रम से प्राप्त करना
Meaning:- obtain (something), especially with care or effort.
Synonyms:- buy up, get hold of, solicit, find, gain
Antonyms:- discourage, dissuade, fail
Example:- The Rajasthan police have set out to procure voice samples of MLAs housed in Haryana

16. incriminate (verb) :- दोषी ठहराना
Meaning:- make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.
Synonyms:- implicate, attack, involve
Antonyms:- exonerate, pardon
Example:- allegedly feature in audio clips that apparently incriminate them in the conspiracy.

17. defy (verb):- अवहेलना
Meaning:- openly resist or refuse to obey.
Synonyms:- confront, disregard, elude
Antonyms:- aid, assist, flatter
Example:- Mr. Pilotand 18 MLAs under the anti-defection law for defying the party whip

18. whip (verb):- अनुदेश
Meaning:- move fast or suddenly in a specified direction.
Synonyms:- bash, beat, lash, spank
Antonyms:- compliment, lose, praise
Example:- Mr. Pilotand 18 MLAs under the anti-defection law for defying the party whip

19.unscrupulous (adjective) बेशरम
Meaning:- having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.
Synonyms:- corrupt, crafty, crooked, degraded
Antonyms:- aboveboard, decent, ethical, fair
Example:- There is no moral or political justification for this unscrupulous.

20. dislodge (verb):- हटाना
Meaning:- remove from a position of power or authority.
Synonyms:- displace, eject, evict
Antonyms:- plant, sow, take in
Example:- There is no moral or political justification for this unscrupulous attempt to dislodge a democratically elected government.

21. passed off (phrasal verb) पारित हुआ
Meaning:- (of proceedings) happen or be concluded in a specified, usually satisfactory way.
Synonyms:- eject, foist, make a pretense of
Antonyms:- keep, maintain
Example:- That this gets passed off as a fight for inner-party democracy or recognition of talent is just preposterous.

22. preposterous (adjective) निरर्थक
Meaning:- contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
Synonyms:- absurd, crazy, excessive, fantastic
Antonyms:- bad, intelligent, practical
Example:- That this gets passed off as a fight for inner-party democracy or recognition of talent is just preposterous.

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