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Success Story of Shivam Sharma Selected As IBPS PO & Clerk 2021

Success Story of Shivam Sharma Selected As IBPS PO & Clerk 2021: IBPS has recently released the IBPS PO & Clerk final result 2021. Adda247 congratulates all those candidates who get their dream job in the banking sector after clearing IBPS PO & Clerk 2021. Success does not happen overnight, it is the result of continuous hard work. Hurdles and failures are the stepping stones to success therefore we should not afraid to move ahead. Today we are sharing the success story of Shivam Sharma who cleared both IBPS PO & Clerk in the first attempt. keep sending your success stories to us so that we can share them with our students

Success Story of Shivam Sharma Selected As IBPS PO & Clerk 2021

This success story is especially for those candidates who have made a wrong perception in their mind that they can’t clear the banking exam in the first attempt. So if you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got. Therefore make a fresh beginning and work hard to achieve your goals. Let’s have a look at the success story of Shivam Sharma

I have been preparing for almost a year. I started preparing in my last semester of college and finally, I cleared IBPS PO and CLERK in my first attempt. I prepared daily current affairs from Ashish Gautam Sir on youtube and I want to thank you sir for your efforts. I Scored 48.11 in IBPS PO and 42.38 in IBPS CLERK from DELHI. I am Selected in the Bank of India -PO and Union Bank of India -CLERK

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