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Success Story of Saurav Nag |Selected in IBPS RRB PO, SBI Clerk & IBPS RRB Clerk 2019


Hello Everyone,

I am Sourav Nag. I am sharing my success story with you all how I prepared for the exams and what was my strategy during the preparation.
I have done my B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering in the year 2015. After completing my B. Tech I started working in TCS.
I Prepared for Banking exams almost 3 years after that I got success. I had failed in several exams before that, and this journey was not easy for me. It’s tough to prepare for an exam for a working professional, I didn’t get enough time but I managed my time well and strategize my preparation in the right way.

Practice with,

Here is my 3-years exam Journey you can see that how many times I got failed and then after consecutive failure, I realized with time where I am going wrong and started preparing with a new strategy and finally selected in all exams in which I appeared in the year 2019 except SBI PO.

In the year 2017, I appeared in IBPS RRB PO, IBPS RRB Clerk, and IBPS PO but not able to qualify the first stage that is prelims exam. I only qualified for the first stage of the IBPS Clerk exam but was out in the mains exam.

The year 2018:
SBI Clerk – Out in Mains.
SBI PO – Out in Mains.
IBPS RRB Clerk – Out in Mains by 0.3 marks.
IBPS PO – Out in Mains.

The year 2019:-
SBI PO- Out in the final merit list.
SBI ClerkSelected from West Bengal Region.
IBPS RRB PO- Selected in Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank.
IBPS RRB Clerk – Selected in Uttarbanga Kshetriya Gramin Bank.
IBPS PO – Waiting for the final result.

I got selected in SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB PO, IBPS RRB Clerk and waiting for IBPS PO final merit list this year.
now I’m extremely happy with my achievement, and I am grateful to all the people who supported me throughout my journey.
One doesn’t need to enroll in a coaching institute to get success in the exam. These days everything is available at the online platform and only you need is the zeal and motivation to crack the exam. There are websites, magazines, apps like Adda247 that can provide you all the information that is essential for the exam. Even after this, someone has a doubt, YouTube is the best tutor. I learned many things from Google and Adda YouTube channel.

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