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Success Story of Satyaki Kundu Working as SBI Deputy Manager and Selected in RRB GBO 2019

Hello Everyone,

I am Satyaki Kundu, presently working as a Deputy Manager in SBI and I was selected as a Probationary Officer in the year 2016 after that I cleared RRB GBO 2019 and got selected in Jharkhand Rajya Grameen Bank. As all of us are going through a very tough time and so many anxieties are going in the mind of the aspirants about whether the exam will be conducted or not and so on, I have decided to share my journey to get success in Bank exams and if a single aspirant found this one helpful it will be a pleasure for me. 

Practice with,

I have started my preparation in July 2015 by boarding on the train of Bankersadda with a desire to achieve my goal to be a Bank PO. For the development of my base in daily current affairs, static Gk, banking awareness and computer I was dependent on Bankersadda and I used to solve the daily quizzes of Quant, Reasoning and, English from the site. With the help of Bankersadda, I had built up a solid base of banking exams within 4-5 months and cleared IBPS PO 2015 written exam that was my 1st success but in the interview, I did not convert it so it was my 1st failure. I was very much depressed with the result but I did not have any other option left except fight back for my goal. Again I have started with more efforts and Finally selected in the Final merit list of SBI PO 2016 and SBI Clerical 2016 as well but I joined SBI as PO. When I started preparation I had never thought that I would clear the toughest banking exam and I would pass through Group Discussion and Personal Interview of SBI. One thing I would like to mention that from 2016 onwards the SBI PO and IBPS PO question paper was tough in comparison to the past years, So 2016 was the year of juncture. After my selection, I was the happiest person in the world to got my dream job and becoming the part of the largest bank of India but here the climax began, My hometown is Asansol, West Bengal and I was selected in SBI, Bangalore Circle, till that time I had thought I will get posting in Bangalore City but after joining I got to know that Bangalore Circle means the entire state of Karnataka. After one year of training, I was posted in a rural place,500 km from Bangalore. Being so far from my house It was very difficult for me to maintain my family and professional life and I was not able to take care of my aged parents, my transfer request to the home circle was rejected and gradually life became so miserable for me that I can not explain.

I was looking for other opportunities through which I can get posting in nearby places of native but I was not getting, in the meantime, I have promoted in confirmation exam and became Deputy Manager, I have cleared JAIIB and CAIIB in 1st attempt. In this type of scenario, I did not want to lose seniority, So RRB GBO was the only option for me. With a busy work schedule and I was detached from competitive exam study for Two and a half years. At first, I was very afraid then I thought “Bankers Adda hai to mumkin hai” and started preparing in the same way and scored 119 in written marks out of 200 and my total consolidated marks were 62 in IBPS RRB GBO 2019 and finally selected in Jharkahnad Rajya Grameen Bank.

Now throughout my whole journey, I have made a few experiences and I have some understanding also which I would like to share with you.

1. Your base in Every subject is very much important because nowadays the types of questions are coming strong base is much needed. To build a solid base in Quant (especially arithmetic) and Reasoning  do more and more practice.

2.For English Section: your vocabulary should be very strong for that you can read the newspaper,solve as much RC and remaining things daily. For these things, you must follow bankersadda on daily basis and you can take the paid mock tests that are also very helpful and complete. 

2. For Current affairs Section: You prepare from Bankersadda or E-books but don’t refer too many sources, make sure that whatever you prepare that should be concrete and read repeatedly the same things to memorize properly.

3. For banking awareness, Static GK and Computer section: you devote a fixed time daily to prepare because within 3 months you can easily complete the syllabus for these and it will be your asset for every bank exam. Bankersadda is providing very good material for these subjects so refer to that and build a strong base and after that, you do only practice and you will be ready completely and no need to prepare separately for these for any specific exam so that you can concentrate on Current affairs before the exam.

4. After all, these most important things are strategy and planning. You have to know about your strong points and weak points equally. By giving mock tests and solving previous year questions you have to find out your strong and weak points and then you need to work on that. After giving your 200 % effort still there be some weaknesses within you, everyone has that you have to find out and eliminate smartly, remember no one is going to solve all the questions so question elimination is equally important as question selection, so need to do smart work with your best efforts.

5. Apart from all these most important things are judging your performance. When you are giving mocks and real exams your performance should improve if your performance is not moving up or something which is beyond your understanding is happening then please consult with any friend or mentor or you can contact with me also, I will provide my contact below. Remember one thing that this should not happen that you have started preparation and after 6 months or 1 year also you are in the same position that you need to understand because that is the reason why so many people are preparing for year after year but they are not able to convert the exams.

At last, I would recommend following Bankersadda daily, Attempt all the quizzes it will help you a lot. Especially I am very much thankful for Bankersadda because of the quality material, capsules, quizzes it had provided me in my time of preparation that is free of cost is amazing and behind my success, it had played a major role. Nowadays it becomes more advanced, the paid courses are also very good, so please go through it and don’t lose hope at the time of failure because it is very natural to everyone, deal with it smartly find your lacunas and hit with your best. All the best to all of you, I wish all of you get success very early and which is more important to stay safe and healthy.

For any kind of help you can contact me at satyaki.kundu52@gmail.com

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