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Success Story of Sangita Karmakar | Selected in EPFO ASO (2019)

“I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have.”

Hi, I am Sangita Karmakar from West Bengal and currently working in IT Sector. I started my preparation in 2018 after my marriage. Initially it was challenging for me to balance my preparation with office work and family responsibilities. But my parents, my in laws, specially my husband supported me a lot. I faced many negative people who used to question me about my preparation after marriage, but I always ignored them.

I used to work in office for 9 hours from Monday to Friday and sometimes in weekend also I had to do office work and give night support. I remember just 4 days before my EPFO mains examination, I spent a whole night in office for weekend production support.

My routine was – Mathematics and Reasoning speed test (Bankers Adda) in morning, then in office I tried to steal time to read Hindu newspaper, did writing preparation and studied GA notes along with quizzes from Bankers adda (Bankers Adda GA capsule is enough for Current affiars).Then at night, I tried to give mock test or English Test.

From 2018 till now I have given below mentioned exams:

NIACL Assistant 2018 – Prelims cleared but mains not cleared.

IBPS PO 2018 – Prelims and mains cleared but not in Final list.

Punjab National Bank SO(IT) – Exam cleared but did not go for final interview.

SBI PO 2019 –  Prelims cleared but mains not cleared.

NABARD Grade A 2019 – Prelims cleared but mains not cleared.

RRB SO(IT) 2019 – Interview given. Awaiting for final Result.

IBPS PO 2019 – Prelims cleared. Awaiting for Mains result.

EPFO ASO 2019 – In the final list.

From my long list of failures to the final taste of success of EPFO, I am sharing some pieces of advice. First thumb rule of preparation is to focus on a single goal. Don’t lose patience, Try to be clam in every failure. Don’t waste your time in thinking about past failures and stay away from negative people. Finally, don’t leave the RACE until you achieve your goal.

Lastly, I am dedicating my success to my husband for his enormous support.

All the best aspirants !!

Finally thanks for reading and showing interest in above story of my journey. Best of luck to all of you for all of your future endeavours.

JAIIB exam pattern, and syllabus 

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