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Strategy to score high marks in SBI PO Reasoning Prelims Exam 2020

The State Bank of India is conducting the SBI PO Prelims Exam on 31st December 2020, 2, 4, 5 Jan 2021. Candidates appearing for this examination are left with only a few days to prepare effectively to score qualifying marks for the SBI PO Mains Exam. In this article, we will be discussing how candidates can score maximum marks in the Reasoning Ability section to increase their overall marks of the SBI PO Prelims Exam 2020. Let us first look at the exam pattern of SBI PO Prelims Exam 2020.

Strategy to score high marks in SBI PO Reasoning Prelims Exam 2020_3.1

SBI PO Prelims 2020: Exam Pattern

Subjects Number of Questions Marks Duration
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
English Language 30 30 20 minutes

How to score high marks in the Reasoning Section of SBI PO Prelims Exam 2020.

The reasoning ability section in the Prelims exam of SBI PO consists of 35 questions of 35 marks for which the candidates are given 20 minutes of duration. This means that candidates have less and limited time to stretch their scores in this section. Now let us first look at some topics in the reasoning ability section that are important for the candidates to prepare thoroughly:

  • Blood relations
  • Seating arrangement and puzzles
  • Inequality questions
  • Coding decoding
  • Direction sense and ranking
  • Alphanumeric series
  • Input-output
  • Syllogism

The majority of the questions are asked from the above topics, if the candidates cover these topics they can ensure scoring good marks in the reasoning ability section.

Give Mocks/Test series: This is the best way to prepare for this section is by giving as many mock tests/sectional tests as possible. Giving mock tests will make the candidates familiar with the questions that are frequently asked in the exam. Aspirants will also get to know which areas need more practice, and that will help them to secure good marks in the examination. Candidates can give mock tests and test series with Adda247 and practice the reasoning ability section for both Prelims and Mains exam.



What to attempt first: Candidates are advised to solve the questions from coding and decoding, blood relations and syllogism first, as they are less time-consuming and marks can be scored easily by solving these topics.

Use Shortcuts and tricks: Time-saving and accuracy are crucial factors in the SBI PO Examination. Candidates can learn a few tricks and shortcuts to calculate some easy figures to save time and make the answer more accurate. This will leave ample time for the other important questions that require more time.

Command on Puzzles: In the Reasoning Ability section of  SBI PO Exams, more than 50% of the questions are asked from the seating arrangement and puzzles section. If the candidates have a stronghold on both these topics, 50% of the marks(or more) are definitely secured. Practice more and more questions from puzzles to solve them with accuracy.

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