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Static Awareness Quiz for Bank Exams 2021- 18th May

Q1. Yellow Revolution is related to…………………..
(a)Fish Production
(b)Petroleum Products
(c)Oilseed Production
(d)Egg Production
(e)None of these

Q2. Green Revolution is related to………………….
(a)Food Grains
(b)Petroleum Products
(c)Jute Production
(d)Honey Production
(e)None of these

Q3. Who is known as the Father of the White Revolution?
(a)Sam Pitroda
(b)Dr. Verghese Kurien
(c)Nirpakh Tutej
(d)M S Swaminathan
(e)None of these

Q4. Which state was selected first for the implementation of Green Revolution?
(b)Madhya Pradesh
(c)Uttar Pradesh
(e)None of these

Q5. White Revolution is related to……………………
(a)Food Grains
(c)Milk Production
(d)Jute Production
(e)None of these

Q6. Blue Revolution is related to…………………….
(a)Fish Production
(b)Egg Production
(c)Oilseed Production
(d)Jute Production
(e)None of these

Q7. Who is known as the Father of the Green Revolution?
(a)Durgesh Patel
(b)Verghese Kurien
(c)Nirpakh Tutej
(d)M S Swaminathan
(e)None of these

Q8. Silver Revolution is related to……………..
(a)Jute Production
(b)Egg Production
(c)Oilseed Production
(d)Fish Production
(e)None of these

Q9. Round Revolution is related to…………………..
(a)Onion Production
(b)Egg Production
(c)Tomato Production
(d)Potato Production
(e)None of these

Q10. Red Revolution is related to…………………..
(a)Egg Production/Poultry Production
(b)Fish Production
(c)Meat Production/Tomato Production
(d)Fruits Production
(e)None of these

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Sol. Yellow Revolution is related to Oilseed Production.

Sol. Green Revolution is related to Food Grains.

Sol. Dr. Verghese Kurien is known as the Father of the White Revolution.

Sol. The state of Punjab was selected by the Indian government to be the first site to try the new crops because of its reliable water supply and a history of agricultural success.

Sol. White Revolution is associated with a sharp increase in the milk production. The White Revolution in India, also known as Operation Flood was launched in 1970s to make India self dependent in milk production.

Sol. Blue revolution is related to increased fish production.

Sol. M S Swaminathan is considered as the father of the Green Revolution. In the year 1965, the government of India launched the Green Revolution.

Sol. Silver revolution is a process of spectacular increase in the production of eggs as well as poultry production.

Sol. Round revolution is the revolution adopted by the Government of India for the increase in production of Potato.

Sol. Red Revolution is related to Meat Production/Tomato Production.

Static Awareness Quiz for Bank Exams 2021- 18th May |_3.1

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