With the motive of transforming your dreams into reality, ADDA247 brings out a one stop solution to every problem you might face while preparing for these competitive exams – SSC Mock Tests 2018. Yes students, convert the remaining time into reason behind your success with our brand new latest exam pattern based Premium Packages which is a success guarantee combo of bunches of efficient bilingual Mock Tests for all upcoming SSC Exams viz. SSC CGL 2018 Tier-1 & Tier-2, SSC CPO 2018 Tier-1 & Tier-2, SSC GD Constable 2018 Tier-1 & Tier-2, SSC MTS 2018 Tier-1 & Tier-2, SSC CHSL 2018 Tier-1 & Tier-2 Exam. Moreover, SSC Topic-wise Tests and SSC Previous years’ Papers Tests and provided E-books make these Premium Packages a perfect weapon to fight all the barriers while preparing for SSC Exams 2018.
ADDA247 Bilingual Premium Packages containing plethora of latest exam pattern based SSC Mock Tests for all upcoming SSC Exams with following description are given below:
SSC Tier-I & Tier-II Previous Years’ Papers: Premium Package
- SSC CGL Tier-I: 43 Mocks (All Shift Papers of 2017)
- SSC CGL Tier-I: 35 Mocks (All Shift Papers of 2016)
- SSC CGL Tier-II: 15 Mocks of Quantitative Aptitude (Previous Year’s Papers 2011-2017)
- SSC CGL Tier-II: 14 Mocks of English Language (Previous Year’s Papers’ 2011-2017)
- SSC CPO Tier-I: 13 Mocks (All Shift Papers of 2017)
- SSC CHSL: 68 Mocks (All Shift Papers of 2017)
- SSC CHSL: 74 Mocks (All Shift Papers of 2016)

SSC Tier-I / Prelims 2018-19:Premium Package
- SSC CGL Tier-I: 25 Challenger Mocks
- SSC CGL Tier-I: 25 Mocks (By SSC CGL Toppers)
- SSC CPO Tier-I: 20 Mocks
- SSC CHSL: 20 Mocks
- SSC GD Constable: 20 Mocks
- SSC MTS: 10 Mocks

- SSC CGL Tier-II: 20 Mocks for Quantitative Aptitude
- SSC CGL Tier-II: 20 Mocks for the English Language
- SSC CGL Tier-II: 5 Mocks for Finance and Economics (Available only in English medium)
- SSC CGL Tier-II: 5 Mocks for STATISTICS (Available only in English medium)
- SSC CPO Tier-II: 10 Mocks for the English Language

- Advance Math’s: 40 Topic-wise Tests
- Advance Math’s: 20 Topic-wise Tests (Challenger)
- English Language: 60 Topic-wise Tests
- General Awareness: 120 Topic-wise Tests
- Available in English & Hindi Medium

- Latest Pattern Based questions at one place.
- From written examination to descriptive exams, you will find everything in this package.
- Apart from concepts, you will find a lot of practice material.
- You can read it anywhere, anytime.
- Prepared under the guidance of experts.

For any query students can call on this number “9958500766”.
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