Table of Contents
The English section of the SBI Clerk 2025 Exam requires strong language proficiency, making it essential to develop a solid grasp of vocabulary and contextual usage. One of the key topics tested is Single Fillers, where candidates must choose the most appropriate word to complete a given sentence. This section assesses comprehension skills, word usage, and contextual understanding, all of which are crucial for both Prelims and Mains. Mastering Single Fillers can significantly enhance your overall performance. To support your preparation, we have compiled a set of Single Fillers questions for the SBI Clerk Exam.
Single Fillers Questions for SBI Clerk Exam
In the SBI Clerk 2025 exam, past trends indicate that the Single Fillers section in the English paper usually includes a few questions. Each question is designed to test your ability to select the most appropriate word to complete a given sentence. To help you improve accuracy and enhance your vocabulary, we have provided a series of practice questions with detailed explanations. These will help you understand word usage, strengthen contextual understanding, and hone your skills for better performance in this section.
Q1. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The new policies implemented by the organization aim to __________ the local economy by encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting small businesses.
(a) stagnate
(b) inhibit
(c) vitalize
(d) dilute
(e) proliferate
Q2. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The scientist’s research played a ________________ role in advancing our understanding of renewable energy sources and their potential impact on the environment.
(a) transient
(b) redundant
(c) frivolous
(d) negligible
(e) pivotal
Q3. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
Many organizations are working tirelessly to raise awareness about ___________ species and the importance of protecting their natural habitats.
(a) endangered
(b) ubiquitous
(c) synthetic
(d) abundant
(e) prolific
Q4. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The music played during the ceremony was deeply ___________, stirring memories and emotions in everyone present.
(a) monotonous
(b) irrelevant
(c) exhaustive
(d) evocative
(e) literal
Q5. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The guide aimed to _____________ the historical significance of the ancient ruins, helping tourists appreciate their cultural value.
(a) latent
(b) elucidate
(c) obfuscate
(d) ignore
(e) debunk
Directions (6-10): In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank.
Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
Q6. During the trial the defense attorney will ___________ evidence to show the defendant’s innocence.
(a) obscure
(b) confound
(c) perplex
(d) adduce
(e) muddy
Q7. If you want to save lives without spending a dime, do the _____________ thing and donate blood.
(a) stern
(b) malign
(c) callous
(d) brutal
(e) benevolent
Q8. She wore a ____________ dress from the 1950s to the party, attracting compliments for its timeless elegance and style.
(a) current
(b) vintage
(c) refurbished
(d) modernized
(e) renewed
Q9. Because I typically hate science fiction movies, I do not expect this Mars’ thriller to ____________ me.
(a) pall
(b) reflect
(c) engross
(d) spell
(e) curse
Q10. The engineer designed a mechanism to _____________ the gate automatically whenever a car approaches, enhancing security and convenience for the residents.
(a) inhibit
(b) curb
(c) bridle
(d) actuate
(e) suppress
Q11. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The economic forecast for the next quarter looks __________, prompting businesses to prepare for tougher times.
(a) prosperous
(b) bleak
(c) thriving
(d) robust
(e) flourishing
Q12. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The political party struggled to maintain unity due to frequent __________ from key members.
(a) coalitions
(b) alliances
(c) defections
(d) mergers
(e) collaborations
Q13. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
To __________ the opponent’s arguments, the debater prepared a series of well-founded rebuttals.
(a) affirm
(b) support
(c) bolster
(d) counter
(e) endorse
Q14. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The new startup quickly became a __________ in the technology industry, overshadowing older, established companies.
(a) minnow
(b) underdog
(c) novice
(d) tyro
(e) behemoth
Q15. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
Her unique __________ of the situation led to a groundbreaking new approach that no one else had considered.
(a) misconception
(b) zaniness
(c) perception
(d) blunder
(e) delusion
Q16. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
The developers continued to __________ over the final design specifications, delaying the project’s completion.
(a) collaborate
(b) wrangle
(c) coordinate
(d) unite
(e) agree
Q17. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
Urban decay and neglect had left the neighborhood a __________, with many abandoned buildings and rampant crime.
(a) utopia
(b) blight
(c) paradise
(d) haven
(e) refuge
Q18. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
To fit the article into the limited space available, the editor had to __________ the text significantly.
(a) expand
(b) elaborate
(c) abridge
(d) extend
(e) amplify
Q19. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
Many found the comedian’s jokes __________, leading to a backlash on social media.
(a) amusing
(b) delightful
(c) charming
(d) offensive
(e) engaging
Q20. In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
After years of success, the team became __________, losing games to teams they should have easily defeated.
(a) vigilant
(b) diligent
(c) assiduous
(d) complacent
(e) meticulous
S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct word is vitalize, as the context of the sentence suggests policies aimed at energizing and boosting the local economy.
Meanings and Usage of the Words:
- Stagnate
o English Meaning: To stop developing or progressing; to become inactive or dull.
o Hindi Meaning: ठहर जाना; विकास या प्रगति में रुकावट आना।
o Usage in a sentence: The company’s growth began to stagnate after it lost its major client.
o Synonym: Deteriorate
o Antonym: Progress
- Inhibit
o English Meaning: To restrain or prevent an action or process.
o Hindi Meaning: रोकना या अवरोध करना।
o Usage in a sentence: Strict regulations can inhibit innovation in industries.
o Synonym: Restrain
o Antonym: Encourage
- Vitalize
o English Meaning: To give life or energy to something; to energize.
o Hindi Meaning: ऊर्जा देना; सजीव या सक्रिय बनाना।
o Usage in a sentence: The government plans to vitalize the economy by supporting local businesses.
o Synonym: Energize
o Antonym: Weaken
- Dilute
o English Meaning: To make something weaker or less concentrated.
o Hindi Meaning: कमजोर या पतला करना।
o Usage in a sentence: They had to dilute the solution to make it safe for use.
o Synonym: Weaken
o Antonym: Strengthen
- Proliferate
o English Meaning: To increase rapidly in numbers or spread quickly.
o Hindi Meaning: तेज़ी से बढ़ना या फैलना।
o Usage in a sentence: Fake news tends to proliferate rapidly on social media platforms.
o Synonym: Multiply
o Antonym: Diminish
- The word vitalize is perfect here because the policies aim to energize and strengthen the local economy, much like how we would infuse energy into something that is stagnant or slow-moving.
S2. Ans.(e)
Sol. The scientist’s research played a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of renewable energy sources and their potential impact on the environment.
Answer: (e) pivotal
Meanings and Usage of the Words:
- Transient
o English Meaning: Lasting for a short period of time; temporary.
o Hindi Meaning: अस्थायी; थोड़े समय तक रहने वाला।
o Usage in a sentence: The rain was transient, leaving the skies clear after just an hour.
o Synonym: Temporary
o Antonym: Permanent
- Redundant
o English Meaning: No longer needed or useful; superfluous.
o Hindi Meaning: अनावश्यक; जो अब आवश्यक नहीं है।
o Usage in a sentence: The new software made many manual tasks redundant.
o Synonym: Unnecessary
o Antonym: Essential
- Frivolous
o English Meaning: Not having any serious purpose or value; trivial.
o Hindi Meaning: तुच्छ; कोई गंभीर उद्देश्य या मूल्य न होना।
o Usage in a sentence: His comments during the meeting were frivolous and added no value to the discussion.
o Synonym: Trivial
o Antonym: Serious
- Negligible
o English Meaning: So small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant.
o Hindi Meaning: नगण्य; इतना छोटा कि उसे विचार करने लायक न समझा जाए।
o Usage in a sentence: The difference in the two products’ prices was negligible, so most customers did not notice it.
o Synonym: Insignificant
o Antonym: Significant
- Pivotal
o English Meaning: Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something.
o Hindi Meaning: महत्वपूर्ण; किसी चीज़ के विकास या सफलता में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाने वाला।
o Usage in a sentence: His discovery played a pivotal role in the development of modern medicine.
o Synonym: Crucial
o Antonym: Minor
- The word pivotal is the best fit here because the scientist’s research is described as being essential for advancing understanding. This implies a key or crucial role, which aligns with the meaning of “pivotal.”
S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. Many organizations are working tirelessly to raise awareness about endangered species and the importance of protecting their natural habitats.
Answer: (a) endangered
Meanings and Usage of the Words:
- Endangered
o English Meaning: At risk of extinction; species that are in danger of becoming extinct.
o Hindi Meaning: संकटग्रस्त; जिनके विलुप्त होने का खतरा है।
o Usage in a sentence: The tiger is an endangered species, and several programs are in place to protect it.
o Synonym: Threatened
o Antonym: Safe
- Ubiquitous
o English Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
o Hindi Meaning: सर्वव्यापी; जो हर जगह मौजूद हो।
o Usage in a sentence: Smartphones have become ubiquitous, with almost everyone owning one.
o Synonym: Omnipresent
o Antonym: Rare
- Synthetic
o English Meaning: Made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product.
o Hindi Meaning: कृत्रिम; रासायनिक संश्लेषण द्वारा बनाई गई।
o Usage in a sentence: Many modern fabrics are synthetic and not made from natural materials.
o Synonym: Artificial
o Antonym: Natural
- Abundant
o English Meaning: Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.
o Hindi Meaning: प्रचुर मात्रा में; पर्याप्त रूप से उपलब्ध।
o Usage in a sentence: The region is known for its abundant rainfall, which supports lush vegetation.
o Synonym: Plentiful
o Antonym: Scarce
- Prolific
o English Meaning: Producing many offspring or much output; highly productive.
o Hindi Meaning: अत्यधिक उत्पादक; बड़ी संख्या में उत्पादन करने वाला।
o Usage in a sentence: The author was prolific, publishing several books each year.
o Synonym: Productive
o Antonym: Unproductive
- The word endangered is perfect for the context, as the sentence is about species that need protection due to the risk of extinction. Words like ubiquitous, abundant, and prolific would not fit the intended meaning of species that are threatened.
S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. The music played during the ceremony was deeply evocative, stirring memories and emotions in everyone present.
Answer: (d) evocative
Meanings and Usage of the Words:
- Monotonous
o English Meaning: Dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.
o Hindi Meaning: नीरस; बोर करने वाला और दोहरावयुक्त।
o Usage in a sentence: The lecture was so monotonous that several people started to fall asleep.
o वाक्य में प्रयोग: व्याख्यान इतना नीरस था कि कई लोग सोने लगे।
o Synonym: Boring
o Antonym: Exciting
- Irrelevant
o English Meaning: Not connected with or relevant to something.
o Hindi Meaning: अप्रासंगिक; किसी विशेष संदर्भ से संबंधित नहीं।
o Usage in a sentence: His comments during the discussion were completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
o वाक्य में प्रयोग: चर्चा के दौरान उनकी टिप्पणियाँ पूरी तरह से विषय के लिए अप्रासंगिक थीं।
o Synonym: Unrelated
o Antonym: Relevant
- Exhaustive
o English Meaning: Including or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensive.
o Hindi Meaning: व्यापक; सभी तत्वों या पहलुओं को शामिल करने वाला।
o Usage in a sentence: The report provides an exhaustive analysis of the environmental impact of the project.
o वाक्य में प्रयोग: रिपोर्ट परियोजना के पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव का व्यापक विश्लेषण प्रदान करती है।
o Synonym: Comprehensive
o Antonym: Incomplete
- Evocative
o English Meaning: Bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
o Hindi Meaning: स्मरण कराना; जो मजबूत चित्र, यादें या भावनाएँ जगाए।
o Usage in a sentence: The artist’s painting was evocative, reminding viewers of their childhood.
o वाक्य में प्रयोग: कलाकार की पेंटिंग स्मरण कराने वाली थी, जिसने दर्शकों को उनके बचपन की याद दिला दी।
o Synonym: Reminiscent
o Antonym: Unemotional
- Literal
o English Meaning: Taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or exaggeration.
o Hindi Meaning: शाब्दिक; बिना किसी रूपक या अतिशयोक्ति के शब्दों को उनके सामान्य या बुनियादी अर्थ में लेना।
o Usage in a sentence: He interpreted the metaphor in a very literal sense, missing its deeper meaning.
o वाक्य में प्रयोग: उसने रूपक को बहुत शाब्दिक रूप में लिया, जिससे उसका गहरा अर्थ छूट गया।
o Synonym: Exact
o Antonym: Figurative
- The word evocative fits perfectly as it conveys how the music stirred deep memories and emotions. Monotonous and irrelevant would not fit because they suggest either a dull or disconnected effect, which contradicts the emotional response described in the sentence.
S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. The guide aimed to elucidate the historical significance of the ancient ruins, helping tourists appreciate their cultural value.
Answer: (b) elucidate
Meanings and Usage of the Words:
- Latent
o English Meaning: Existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed.
o Hindi Meaning: अव्यक्त; जो अभी प्रकट नहीं हुआ हो या छिपा हुआ हो।
o Usage in a sentence: The disease remained latent for many years before showing symptoms.
o Synonym: Hidden
o Antonym: Visible
- Elucidate
o English Meaning: To make something clear; to explain.
o Hindi Meaning: स्पष्ट करना; समझाना।
o Usage in a sentence: The professor tried to elucidate the complex theory for the students.
o Synonym: Clarify
o Antonym: Confuse
- Obfuscate
o English Meaning: To deliberately make something unclear or difficult to understand.
o Hindi Meaning: भ्रमित करना; जानबूझकर किसी चीज़ को अस्पष्ट या समझने में कठिन बनाना।
o Usage in a sentence: The politician’s vague statements seemed designed to obfuscate the issue.
o Synonym: Confuse
o Antonym: Clarify
- Ignore
o English Meaning: To refuse to take notice of or acknowledge something.
o Hindi Meaning: अनदेखा करना; ध्यान न देना।
o Usage in a sentence: He chose to ignore the warnings and continued his risky behavior.
o Synonym: Disregard
o Antonym: Acknowledge
- Debunk
o English Meaning: To expose the falseness or hollowness of a myth, idea, or belief.
o Hindi Meaning: किसी मिथक, विचार या विश्वास को झूठा साबित करना।
o Usage in a sentence: The scientist worked hard to debunk the myths surrounding climate change.
o Synonym: Disprove
o Antonym: Verify
- The word elucidate is perfect here because the guide is trying to explain or clarify the historical significance of the ruins, helping tourists better understand their cultural value. Obfuscate and ignore would have opposite or negative connotations, which wouldn’t fit the sentence’s intent.
Solutions (6-10): In each of the question given below, a statement has been given with a blank. Some words have been given in the options following the statement. Choose the most appropriate word that could fit in the statement to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct answer is “adduce,” which means to cite as evidence or bring forward for consideration. In the context of a trial, the defense attorney’s role involves presenting evidence to support the defendant’s innocence, making “adduce” the most appropriate and contextually meaningful choice. “Obscure” means to make unclear or difficult to understand, “confound” is to cause surprise or confusion, “perplex” means to complicate or puzzle, and “muddy” implies making something less clear or more confusing, none of which accurately describe the action of presenting evidence to support a claim like “adduce” does.
S7. Ans.(e)
Sol. The correct answer is “benevolent,” which means well-meaning and kindly. The context of the sentence promotes a selfless and kind act of donating blood to save lives, making “benevolent” the most appropriate and contextually meaningful choice. “Stern” means very serious or strict, “malign” is to speak about someone in a spitefully critical manner, “callous” describes having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others, and “brutal” means savagely violent, none of which accurately describe the positive action of donating blood like “benevolent” does.
S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct answer is “vintage,” which refers to something from the past of high quality, especially something representing the best of its kind. The context of the sentence highlights the admiration for the dress’s timeless elegance and style from the 1950s, making “vintage” the most appropriate and contextually meaningful choice. “Current” and “modernized” imply something contemporary or updated to modern standards, which contrasts with the idea of a dress from the 1950s. “Refurbished” suggests something has been renovated and redecorated, and “renewed” implies it has been made like new again, neither of which specifically captures the charm and quality associated with “vintage.”
S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct answer is “engross,” which means to absorb all the attention or interest of. The context suggests a skepticism about the Mars thriller’s ability to captivate or hold the speaker’s interest, especially given their usual dislike for science fiction movies, making “engross” the most appropriate and contextually meaningful choice. “Pall” implies becoming boring or uninteresting, “reflect” means to throw back without absorbing it or to show an image of, “spell” can imply enchanting or captivating but is less specific to the context of absorbing interest, and “curse” suggests inflicting harm or misfortune, none of which accurately describe capturing one’s attention or interest like “engross” does.
S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct answer is “actuate,” which means to cause a machine or device to operate. The sentence describes a mechanism designed to trigger the opening of a gate automatically when a car approaches, aiming to improve security and convenience. “Actuate” is the most appropriate and contextually meaningful choice because it specifically refers to the action of causing the mechanism to operate or move. “Inhibit,” “curb,” and “bridle” all imply restraint or reduction of movement or activity, which contrasts with the mechanism’s purpose of activating the gate. “Suppress” means to forcibly put an end to or prevent, which does not align with the concept of enabling the gate to open automatically.
S11. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct answer is “bleak,” which means offering little or no hope. This term best fits the context of a pessimistic economic forecast, as opposed to “prosperous,” “thriving,” “robust,” and “flourishing,” which all imply positive or successful conditions.
S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct answer is “defections,” which refers to the abandonment of one’s country or cause in favor of an opposing one. This term correctly describes members leaving the party, which is more specific and appropriate than “coalitions,” “alliances,” “mergers,” or “collaborations,” all of which involve forms of joining or partnership rather than leaving.
S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct answer is “counter,” which means to respond to a charge or accusation, typically by asserting the opposite. This choice is suitable for describing how the debater plans to oppose the opponent’s arguments, as opposed to “affirm,” “support,” “bolster,” or “endorse,” which all suggest agreement or strengthening.
S14. Ans.(e)
Sol. The correct answer is “behemoth,” which means something enormous, especially a big and powerful organization. “Behemoth” aptly describes a startup that dominates over established companies, unlike “minnow,” “underdog,” “novice,” or “tyro,” which imply smallness, inexperience, or underestimation.
S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct answer is “perception,” which refers to the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted. “Perception” correctly implies a distinctive understanding or interpretation, making it the best fit for describing her innovative approach, distinct from “misconception,” “zaniness,” “blunder,” or “delusion,” which have different connotations of error, viewpoint, mistake, or false belief, respectively.
S16. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct answer is “wrangle,” which means to argue or dispute, especially in a noisy or angry manner. “Wrangle” best fits the context of a disagreement that causes project delays, unlike “collaborate,” “coordinate,” “unite,” or “agree,” which all imply forms of cooperation and consensus.
S17. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct answer is “blight,” which refers to something that spoils or damages things severely, often used to describe urban areas that have deteriorated. “Blight” aptly describes the severe decay of a neighborhood, whereas “utopia,” “paradise,” “haven,” and “refuge” suggest ideal or safe places, which is the opposite of the context described.
S18. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct answer is “abridge,” which means to shorten a piece of text without losing the essence. “Abridge” is suitable for describing the reduction of text to fit a constraint, unlike “expand,” “elaborate,” “extend,” or “amplify,” which all imply increasing length or detail.
S19. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct answer is “offensive,” which means causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry. “Offensive” correctly describes content that could lead to public backlash, as opposed to “amusing,” “delightful,” “charming,” or “engaging,” which all have positive connotations and imply enjoyment.
S20. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct answer is “complacent,” which means showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements. “Complacent” best describes a situation where success leads to a lack of effort or preparation, as opposed to “vigilant,” “diligent,” “assiduous,” or “meticulous,” which all imply careful and persistent work or effort.
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