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SEBI GRADE A Exam Analysis 2020-21, Shift 1: Exam Review for SEBI Grade A (Phase 1) 17th January 2021

SEBI GRADE A Exam Analysis: As we all know, SEBI Grade-A phase-1 exams have been started from today, and the students who will qualify for this examination will give the phase-2 examination which is scheduled to be held on 27 February 2021. The first shift of the phase-1 exam is completed today, and from this shift, our team has collected the review from the students who have appeared in the same, and from those reviews, we came to analyze the difficulty level of the exam which remained easy to moderate level.

From this analysis, we are here to help all the students, who are going to appear in the coming day’s shifts. We hope that this information will be helpful for all the students who will appear in the same so that they will get an idea about the type of questions asked in the examination. 


As per the students who appeared for the 1st shift of 17 January, the Shift was easy to moderate, wherein English was of easy level, Quant and reasoning of easy to a moderate level and General Awareness level was of moderate to difficult, and as per the analysis the good attempts of the question according to the sections are:

Subject Good Attempts Time (in minutes)
English Language 15-17 60 minutes
Reasoning Ability 14-16
Quantitative Aptitude 13-15
General Awareness 10-12
Total 52-60


SEBI GRADE A Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2021

After this, we are here with a detailed analysis of each section, through which we informed our students about the topics which are asked and the number of questions asked from that particular topic.

SEBI GRADE A Exam Analysis 2020-21: ExamReview For SEBI Grade A Phase 1 17th January Shift 1_3.1

SEBI Grade A Exam Analysis 2021: English Language

As per the reviews and analysis of the students, English Section was of easy level, and we are here to provide you a detailed analysis of the topics and the number of questions which are asked from the English language section are:

·         Error Spotting 5
·         Sentence Rearrangement 5
·         Comprehension 3
·         Fill in the Blanks 2
·         Passages 5

SEBI Grade A Quantitative Aptitude Exam Analysis 2021:

As per the reviews of the students, the difficulty level of this section remains to be easy to moderate, and the questions which are asked from this section are as follows:

Topic No. of questions
·         Data Interpretation 5
·         Inequalities 2
·         Number Series 5
·         Data Sufficiency 1
Time and work & Pipe and cistern 2
Problem on Ages 1
Work and Time 2
Speed Distance and Time 1
Mensuration 1

SEBI Grade A Exam Analysis for Reasoning Ability

Talking about the reasoning ability section, the difficulty level of this section remains xxxx, and the detailed analysis for the same is:

·         Puzzles 5
·         Seating Arrangements 5
·         Direction Sense 2
·         Blood Relations 1
·         Syllogisms 1
·         Inequalities 2
Order and Ranking


Logical Reasoning 3

SEBI Grade A Analysis 2021: General Awareness for Today exam

As per Our SEBI Grade A Exam Analysis this section consists of the questions from the topics such as static portion, banking awareness, and the difficulty level of this section in today’s exam remains moderate to difficult.

·         Current Affairs 2
·         Financial Awareness 2
·         Important Financial & Economic News 1
Important Days 2
Books and Authors 1
Countries & Capitals 1
Sports 2

So this was the detailed analysis of all the subjects and questions which came in today’s exams, through which we help our students to get an idea of the questions and pattern asked in the examination. We hope this will help you all in preparing for your examination.

Study well, stay calm, keep practicing with ADDA247.


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