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SEBI Grade A Cut Off 2020: Check Previous Year cut Off For Phase 1 and Phase 2

The Securities and Exchange Board of India is conducting the SEBI Grade A Examination next month and the candidates are wondering how much do they have to score to qualify through the Phase 1 and Phase II examinations. Knowing the cut-off that SEBI might release for its Grade-A Exam will help the aspirants in hoisting up their preparations to reach the benchmark. In this article, we will be looking at the previous years’ cut-offs and analyzing the expected cut-off this year for SEBI Grade A Phase 1 & Phase 2 Examination.

SEBI Grade A Cut Off 2020

SEBI hasn’t released any official cut-off for this year’s SEBI Grade A Examinations for Phase 1 and Phase 2 but we will give you a glimpse of the expected cut-off for both these phases that the candidates must meet to stride in the SEBI Grade A recruitment 2020. Let us first look at the previous years’ cut-offs to get an idea of the Cut-off trend that SEBI has been following over the past years.

SEBI Grade A Cut-Off 2018

Below is the SEBI Grade A Cut-off 2018 for Phase 1 and Phase 2. SEBI releases the cut-off every year category wise. For analyzing the cut-offs we have considered the Cut-off of the General Category.


Cut-Off phase 1 (out of 200)

Cut-Off phase 2 (out of 300)







Information Technology



Civil Engineering



Electrical Engineering



Just like in 2018, SEBI again will be conducting the SEBI Grade A examination in two phases (Phase 1& Phase 2), next month. There are chances that the cut-off will remain the same this year or will increase due to the influencing factors of the cut-offs released by SEBI.

Also Check,

Factors Determining SEBI Grade A Cutoffs

The candidates need to know about the factors on which the cut-offs of the SEBI Grade A Examination is released. SEBI releases cut-offs for the SEBI Grade A Recruitment on the following basis:

  • Number of applicants for SEBI Grade A  Exam
  • The difficulty level of the exam
  • Average marks scored in the exam
  • Available seats for the recruitment of SEBI Grade A posts.

SEBI Grade A Expected Cut-Off 2020: Stream-Wise

SEBI is conducting Phase 1 of SEBI Grade A Exam 2020 on 17th January 2021 and Phase 2 Exam on  27th February 2021. Candidates will have to qualify through the Phase 1 Exam to appear for the next phase (Phase 2). If the candidates qualify through these 2 phases then they’ll be called for the interview round. To qualify through the first 2 Phases, aspirants have to meet the cut-off marks that SEBI will release for both Phase 1 & Phase 2. After analyzing the previous year’s cut-off and difficulty level of the exam we came up with the Grade A 2020 Exam expected Cut-off for Phase 1 & Phase 2.


Cut-Off phase 1 (out of 200)

Cut-Off phase 2 (out of 300)







Information Technology



Civil Engineering



Electrical Engineering




It is predicted that this year’s SEBI Grade A Examination will be more challenging and the cut-off will either be equal to or more than the previous year’s cut-off. Candidates are advised to consider this Cut-off until  SEBI  releases an official cut off list for SEBI Grade A Exam for Phase 1& Phase2.


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