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Scoring topics to target in Numerical Ability Section of IBPS Clerk Prelims 2020

 IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam is just around the corner. The prelims exam is to be held on 5th December 2020. And those who are appearing for the exam must be knowing about the weightage that the numerical ability section carries. In this article, we will be discussing the most important topics and the scoring topics that the aspirants should target in the numerical ability section in order to score good marks and secure their qualification. Let us first have a look at the exam pattern of IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2020:

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2020:

Section No. Of Questions Maximum Marks Sectional Duration
English Language 30 30 20 Minutes
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
Reasoning 35 35 20 Minutes
Total 100 Questions 100 Marks 60 Minutes


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Topics to target in Numerical Ability Section

 The IBPS Clerk Exam has three major sections – numerical ability, reasoning ability, and English language. Out of these three, the numerical ability or maths section is considered the most time-consuming section. If the candidates have the clarity of the basic concepts and formulas of mathematics then it is easy for them to attempt the majority of the questions. But still, there are some topics/ types of questions that the aspirants should specifically target to score good marks. Let us have a look at some of these topics:

  1. Simplification/Approximation:

    around 10-15 questions can be expected from this topic that is why this is an important topic that all the aspirants should over at the time of completing their syllabus. It is not very time consuming and if the basics are right and questions are practiced well, these questions can make the aspirants score good marks.

  2. Arithmetic Problems:                                                            Around 10-12 questions are asked from this topic and there are some topics that are easy and also less time-consuming which the aspirants should look forward to. Questions on Profit and Loss, SI&CI, Problems on trains, boats, and streams, probability, etc, are not that difficult in comparison to other questions in this section, so the aspirants should look forward to attempting these types of questions. For this, it is important for the aspirants to have ample practice and a good hold on these topics.

  3. Number series:                                                                          This section is always a scoring section. Around 5 questions appear in the examination from this topic. Square pattern, cube, prime number pattern, difference pattern are some topics that the candidates should be familiar with. These are very less time consuming and with clear basics can be solved in a few minutes. That is why the candidates should target this topic and make sure that by attempting these questions they secure good marks.

  4. Quadratic Equation:                                                                     With good observations of the values of X and Y this topic can make sure that the students secure good marks. With ample practice, the aspirants can get familiar with the types of questions asked from this topic, and at the time of the examination attempt them. This will save time as well as secure the marks allotted to each of these types of questions. Aspirants should definitely target this topic in order to score well in the numerical ability section.

  5. Data interpretation and Data Sufficiency:                                    In the Data Interpretation Questions if the aspirants analyses the bar graphs, pie charts, tabular DI correctly the rest of the questions related to them can be solved in one go. In order to have the correct analysis, it is important for the aspirants to be familiar with the types of questions asked in DI and that can be done by practicing and giving mocks as much as possible. Data sufficiency questions are some of the easiest questions that will surely make the aspirants secure good marks. In this, the candidates are required to find whether the given statements are sufficient to solve the questions or not. To secure good marks in this topic aspirants should give regular mocks and be familiar with the questions of these types.

The above mentioned topics are not only scoring but also very important because majority of the questions are asked from this topic. The aspirants are advised to polish their preparations by giving mock tests and test series with add247. 


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