Q1. A train passes two bridges of lengths 740 m and 270 m in 76 seconds and 38 seconds respectively. The speed of train is (up to two decimal places):
Q2. 14 men complete a work in 24 days. After working for 6 days, 7 men join them. How many more days will all of them take to complete the remaining work?
Q3. Out of the three given numbers, the first number is thrice the second and four fifth the third. If the average of the three numbers is 279, what is the difference between the first and their third number?
Q4. Out of his total income, Mr. Kapur spends 20% on house rent and 70% of the rest on house hold expenses. If he saves Rs 1,800 what is his total income (in rupees)?
Q5. There are 81 litres pure milk in a container. One-third of milk is replaced by water in the container. Again one-third of mixture is extracted and equal amount of water is added. What is the ratio of milk to water in the new mixture?
Directions (6-10): Given below is the bar graph showing the production of cycles by 6 firms A, B, C, D, E and F in two consecutive year 2016 and in 2017.
Q6. What is difference between average production of cycle by all six firms in 2016 and 2017?
Q7. If production of cycles of firm C in 2018 increase by 37 ½% in comparison to previous year and production of firm D in 2018 increases by 17(11/17) % in comparison to previous year then what is the sum of production of firm C and D together in 2018?
Q8. Ifof total productionof firm A in 2016 and
of total production of firm A in 2017 are unsold and ratio between total sold to unsold cycle of firm C in both the years together is 109: 27. Then total unsold cycle from both the firms is what percent of total sold cycle from both the firm taken together? (approximately)
Q9. What is ratio of production by firm B in 2016 and firm F in 2017 together to the production of firm B in 2017 and C in 2017 together?
Q10. Total production cost of firm D in 2016 is Rs. 787500 and firm cost Rs. 125 on transporter cycle. In 2017 the total cost price per cycle is increases by 21(7/8) % with respect to year 2016, then find cost price per cycle in 2017 of firm D? (in Rs.)
Directions (11 -15) Simplify the following questions and find the value of (?).
Q11. 5431 + 4687 – 8462 =?
Q12. 31% of 500+ 41% of 1100 – 50% of 790 = ?
= 606 – 395 = 211
Q13. 1107 ÷ 9 × 6 + 236 – 874 = ?
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