Bankersadda and Adda247 are giving you an opportunity to test yourself with Free Memory Based Mock Test of SBI PO Prelims held on 29th April 2017
Ready to test your preparation?
Lakhs of aspirants are your competition, in SBI PO Recruitment for 2300 seats, with this cut throat competition is a need for real-time practice and test. Adda247 with bankersadda brings you the most effective tool to test yourself and see where you stand among the competition for SBI PO 2017 Exam through Memory Based Mock for SBI PO Prelims 2017-18.
This is a golden opportunity for all those who are yet to appear in SBI PO Prelims. What could be more exciting than appearing for the REHEARSAL to equip for the real battle with the same level and type of questions asked in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2017? The Career Power announces the All India Mock of Memory Based Question of SBI PO Prelims exam held on 29th April, 2017. In this, you will be able to appear for FREE and you can get the All India Ranking among all the students who appeared.

You just need to use the promo code SMB2017 to appear for this mock. Once you enter the code, the test will become available.
Use Coupon Code: SMB2017
So are you ready to take the test!
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