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SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 4 Prelims Analysis

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 4

The State Bank of India has successfully initiated the 4th shift of of SBI PO Prelims Exam 2023  on 4 November. Just like the other three shifts, this shift has also encountered a wide number of candidates. Selected candidates will be appointed as one of the most high-ranking job profiles in SBI, i.e., SBI PO. As per the reviews received by the students, The SBI PO Prelims exam paper was moderate in the fourth shift. However, the candidates need to get a complete SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November, to understand the level of the paper. In this article, we have given all the details related to the SBI PO Prelims Exam 2023. Our team has tailored an authentic SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November, to give structured details to the students.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4

Our team has tried their best to give you the authentic SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, which was held on 4 November 2023. The following analysis will make the students aware of their performance. Our SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4 includes the difficulty level of the paper, good attempts, and sectional analysis. Go through this article below to verify your performance.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November: Difficulty Level

We have effectively discussed with the candidates who have appeared in the 4th shift of the SBI PO Prelims Exam on 4 November 2023. As per their reviews, the difficulty level of the paper was moderate. Each of the sections covered a wide range of topics. In this section, we have given a detailed difficulty level of the SBI PO Exam 2023, Shift 4, as per the sections.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4: Difficulty Level
Sections Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate
English Language Easy-Moderate
Overall Moderate

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November: Good Attempts

The level of good attempts can give a brief about the overall performance of the students. Our SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November, includes the good attempts of all the sections. These good attempts are categorized as per the difficulty level of the paper, shift, topics covered, and more. Go through the table below to acquire the details about the good attempts.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4: Good Attempts
Section Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 22-25
Quantitative Aptitude 17-20
English Language 22-25
Overall 61-70

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November: Sectional Analysis

The Prelims phase of SBI PO Exam 2023 is comprised of three sections, and they are Reasoning, English Language, and Quantitative Aptitude. In the 4th shift of the SBI PO Prelims Exam 2023, conducted on 4 November, the respective sections have been covering a broad range of topics from the syllabus. Here, in our SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November, we have compiled the topics covered in each section for your reference.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November: English Language

As per our SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, the level of the English section was moderate. Here, we have mentioned some major topics that have been covered in the English Language section for you to review.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November- Shift 4: English Language
Topics No. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Study on Diet) 10
Error Detection 4
Para Jumble 5
Word Swap 4
Meaningful Words 2
Fillers 3-4
Miscellaneous 1
Total 30

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November: Quantitative Aptitude

A total number of 35 questions were covered in the Quant section of the SBI PO Prelims Exam 2023. This section has also covered a wide range of topics. Here, we have mentioned some important topics that came up in the Quantitative section.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November- Shift 4: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. Of Questions
Quadratic Equation 5
Wrong Number Series 6
Arithmetic 7-8
Caselet 3
DI (Pie Chart +Table) 5
Data Sufficiency 3
DI Table Chart 5
Total 35

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4, 4 November: Reasoning Ability

As per the feedback, the Reasoning Ability section was moderate for the candidates. A total of 35 questions were covered in this section. For your convenience, we have given some prominent topics covered in the Reasoning section.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November- Shift 4: Reasoning Ability
Topics No. Of Questions
Puzzle & Seating Arrangement 5
Circular Seating Arrangement 5
Uncertain no of persons Linear 4
Floor and Flat 5
Syllogism 3
Inequality 3
Direction and distance 3
Pair Formation 1
Number Formation 1
Miscellaneous 5
Total 35

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates can go through the SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023 mentioned in the table below.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
S.No. Name of Tests (Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 1 hour


SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 4 Prelims Analysis_4.1

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Where can I get a complete SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 4?

A complete SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 4 has been given in the article above.

What was the level of SBI PO Exam 2023, Shift 4 conducted on 4 November?

The level of the SBI PO Exam 2023, Shift, conducted on 4 November, was moderate.

Where to get the good attempts of SBI PO Exam 2023, Shift 4, 4 November?

The number of good attempts in the SBI PO Exam 2023, shift 4, 4 November, have been mentioned in the article above.