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SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 2, Good Attempts

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November

The SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift on November 4, 2023, has come to an end. Candidates are keen to know the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 to assess their performance in the test. Since the exam is conducted online, we have prepared a comprehensive SBI PO Exam Analysis based on feedback from a large number of candidates who appeared in the exam. In this article, we have a detailed SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 for the 2nd Shift of SBI PO held on November 4, 2023.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 4 November Shift 2

The SBI PO Exam is taking place across various shifts and days. As part of our exam analysis series, we provide a dependable and precise analysis to assist candidates in understanding the ongoing exam. This analysis considers factors such as the difficulty level, the number of good attempts, and sectional performance. In this article, you’ll find the comprehensive SBI PO Exam Analysis for the 2nd Shift.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 2: Difficulty Level

According to candidates who took the SBI PO Prelims in the second shift on November 4, 2023, the overall exam had a Moderate level. To provide further insights, the table below presents a breakdown of the difficulty levels for each section based on the SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level
Sections Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate
English Language Moderate
Overall Moderate

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 2: Good Attempts

Candidates often feel a sense of anxiety about the number of good attempts they should target, as it significantly affects their overall performance. The number of good attempts depends on various factors such as the question’s difficulty level, the nature of the questions, and the candidate’s accuracy. Here, we have provided an approximate number of good attempts for your reference.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts
Section Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 23-26
Quantitative Aptitude 18-21
English Language 21-23
Overall 62-65

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 2: Sectional Analysis

The SBI PO Prelims exam comprises three sections: Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. We’ve meticulously analyzed each section to provide candidates with a clear understanding of the question types and patterns. Here is the sectional analysis of SBI PO 2023 as asked in the 2nd Shift of 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 4 November Shift  2: English Language

In the English Language section of the SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift, there were a total of 30 questions. Overall the difficulty level of English in the 2nd Shift was Moderate. Here we have given topic wise details on the English Language.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language
Topics No. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension 10
Sentence Correction 5
Word Swap 4
Cloze Test- Social Media 6
Phrase Replacement 5
Total 30

SBI PO Exam Analysis 4 November Shift 2: Reasoning

According to the candidates who appeared in the SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift exam, the reasoning ability section was Moderate. There was a total of 35 questions in the SBI PO 2023 from the Reasoning section. Here are the topic-wise details on the Reasoning Ability section in Shift 2.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
Topics No. Of Questions
Designation Based Puzzle (9 Persons) 5
Floor and Flat Based Puzzle (6 Floors & 2 Flats With Variabble) 5
Uncertain Number of Persons (Linear Row Seating Arrangement) 3
Month Based Puzzle (6 Months with Variable) 5
Parallel Row Seating Arrangement (12 Persons) 5
Syllogism 3
Direction 3
Pair Formation 1
Word Formation 1
Inequality 3
Word Based 1
Total 35

SBI PO Exam Analysis 4 November Shift 2: Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section consisted of 35 questions with a sectional time duration of 20 minutes.  Here are the details on Quantitative Aptitude as asked in the 2nd Shift of 4 November 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. Of Questions
Approximation 6
Missing Number Series 5
Arithmetic (Percentage, Age, Mixture, SI, Partnership, Boat & Stream, etc.) 10
Caselet DI 4
Double Pie Chart Data Interpretation 5
Tabular Data Interpretation 5
Total 35

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 2: Video Link

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates can check the complete SBI PO Prelims exam pattern 2023 in the table below.

SBI PO Prelims 2023 Exam Pattern
S. No. Sections No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes


SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 4 November, Shift 2, Good Attempts_4.1


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Where can I check SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 for Shift 2 for 4 November 2023?

Candidates can check SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 for Shift 2 on Bankersadda.

What was the difficulty level of the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 on 4 November 2023?

The difficulty level of the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 was Moderate.

What is the overall good attempts of SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 on 4 November 2023?

The overall good attempts as per the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 is 62-65.

What are the sections asked in SBI PO Exam?

The sections asked in SBI PO Prelims exam were Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English.