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SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3 Difficulty Level

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3

With the conclusion of the 3rd Shift of the SBI PO Prelims Exam 2023 on 1 November 2023 candidates are eager to know the exam analysis. We have covered the SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 in depth with aspects like difficulty level, good attempts and sections asked in the exam. The SBI PO Prelims exam is divided into three sections, each with a designated 60-minute time limit. Here in this article, we have covered the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3, 1 November

The SBI PO Exam is being held on multiple shifts on multiple days. As a part of our exam analysis series, we have come up with the most reliable and accurate exam analysis to help candidates know about the ongoing examination. The exam analysis is based on parameters like Difficulty Level, Number of Good Attempts, and Sectional analysis. Here candidates can get the complete SBI PO Exam Analysis for 3rd Shift.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3: Difficulty Level

As per feedback from our experts and students, the overall difficulty level of SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift was Moderate. Here’s a breakdown of the difficulty level for each section in the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 for the 3rd shift. In the table below, you’ll find an overview of the difficulty level for each section individually.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level
Sections Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate
English Language Moderate
Overall Moderate

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3: Good Attempts

Candidates often wonder how many questions they should try to answer correctly in their exam. The number of good attempts depends on factors like the difficulty of the questions and how accurate you are. Here are the details on good attempts in the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts
Section Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 23-26
Quantitative Aptitude 20-22
English Language 20-21
Overall 63-66

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3: Sectional Analysis

The SBI PO Prelims exam consists of three sections: Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. We’ve provided a detailed analysis of each section to give candidates an understanding of what to expect. We understand that the type of questions asked can make upcoming candidates a bit anxious. Here’s the section-wise analysis of the SBI PO 2023 exam as conducted in the 3rd shift of 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language

In the SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift, the English Language section had 30 questions. Candidates generally found this section to be moderately challenging. To provide you with a clearer picture, we’ve created a table below that lists some of the questions from today’s SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language
Topics No. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension 9
Error Detection 4
Word Swap 5
Para Jumble 5
Cloze Test 4
Column Based 3
Total 30

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability

According to the candidates who appeared in the SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift exam, the reasoning ability section was Moderate. There were 35 questions in the SBI PO 2023 from the Reasoning section. Here are the details on the reasoning section for the 3rd Section.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
Topics No. Of Questions
Linear Row Seating Arrangement (6 Persons + Variable) 5
Circular Seating Arrangement 5
Month Based Puzzle 5
Box Based Puzzle (6 Boxes + Variable- Colours) 5
Direction 3
Blood Relation 3
Pair Formation 1
Syllogism 3
Meaningful word 1
Inequality 3
Number Based 1
Total 35

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section consisted of 35 questions with a sectional time duration of 20 minutes. Here are the details on Quantitative Aptitude as asked in the 3rd Shift of 1 November 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. Of Questions
Approximation 5
Missing Number Series 5
Arithmetic 13
Tabular Data Interpretation 6
Double Pie Chart Data Interpretation 6
Total 35

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3: Video Link

SBI PO Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates can check the complete SBI PO Prelims exam pattern 2023 in the given table below.

SBI PO Prelims 2023 Exam Pattern
S. No. Sections No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes


SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3 Difficulty Level_4.1



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Where can I check SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 for Shift 3?

Candidates can check SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 for Shift 3 on Bankersadda.

What was the difficulty level of the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3 on 1 November 2023?

The difficulty level of the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3 was Moderate.

What is the overall good attempts of SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3 on 1 November 2023?

The overall good attempts as per the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 is 63-66.

What are the sections asked in SBI PO Exam?

The sections asked in SBI PO prelims exam were Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English.