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SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022 Shift 2 17th December, Exam Level & Good Attempts

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift is conducted successfully by the State Bank of India on 17th December 2022. All those candidates who have appeared in this shift are eagerly waiting for the SBI PO Exam analysis 2022. The analysis was done by our bankersadda expert team with the help of the feedback received from the candidates who have appeared in the exam. So today in this post, we are going to provide you with the complete SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Difficulty Level

As per our experts and students, the overall difficulty level of SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift was Moderate Level. Here is the difficulty level of each section in the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022 shift 2. In the given table below, we have provided the overview of the difficulty level of each section separately.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Difficulty Level
Sections Difficulty Level
English Language Moderate
Reasoning Ability Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate
Overall Moderate

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022 Shift 2 in Hindi

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Good Attempts

Good attempts of the  SBI PO Prelims 2022 exam depend on the difficulty level of the examination. In the table given below, we are providing you average good attempt for each section according to our exam analysis.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Good Attempts
Sections Good Attempts
English Language 19-23
Reasoning Ability 21-25
Quantitative Aptitude 17-20
Overall 57-64

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Section Wise

Here we have covered section-wise SBI PO Prelims exam analysis 2022 for the 2nd shift. Candidates can check the number of questions asked on different topics in all three sections.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: English Language

The English Language section consisted of 30 questions. Based on our exam analysis, the overall difficulty level of this section was Moderate. Let us look at the detailed SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis in the detailed form in given below table.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: English Language
Topics No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Online Food Sales) 08
Double Fillers 05
Errors (Correct) 4
Para Jumble 05
Word Usage 03
Mis-spelled 05
Total 30

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude

The level of the Quantitative Aptitude section 2nd shift of the SBI PO Exam 2022 was Moderate. Here we have provided the types of questions and the number of quantitative aptitude sections in the SBI PO Prelims exam 2nd shift today.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude
Name of the topics Number of questions
Arithmetic 13
DI (Line Graph) 05
 DI (Double Pie) 07
Quadratic Equation 05
Missing Number Series 05
Total  35

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning Ability

As per the review received from the students and over analysis, the overall level difficulty level of the Reasoning Ability Section was Moderate level.  Candidates can check the below table to get the topic-wise overview of the Reasoning Ability Section in SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning Ability
Name of the topics Number of questions
Linear Arrangement (9 Person) 05
Month & Date based puzzle 05
Circular Seating Arrangement 05
Floor-based puzzle (variable) 05
Blood Relation 03
Word Based 01
Pair formation 01
Direction Distance 04
Syllogism 03
Inequality 03
Total 35

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022 Shift 2, 17th December: Video Link

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2022

Candidates can check the complete SBI PO Exam Pattern 2022 for the prelims exam in the given table below.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2022
Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes


FAQs: SBI PO Exam Analysis 2022

Q1. What are the good attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift?

Ans. Candidates can check the section-wise good attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift in the given above article.

Q2. What is the overall level of SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift Exam 2022?

Ans. The overall level of SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift Exam 2022 was Moderate.

Q3. Is there any negative marking in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022.

Q4. Is there any sectional timing in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional timing in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022.

Q.5. How many shifts are there for SBI PO Prelims Exam on 17th December 2022?

Ans. There are 2 shifts for SBI PO Prelims Exam on 17th December 2022.


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Q. Is there any negative marking in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022.

Q. Is there any sectional timing in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional timing in SBI PO Prelims Exam 2022.

Q. How many shifts are there for SBI PO Prelims Exam on 17th December 2022?

Ans. There are 2 shifts for SBI PO Prelims Exam on 17th December 2022.

Q1. What are the good attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift?

Ans. Candidates can check the section-wise good attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift in the given above article.

Q2. What is the overall level of SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift Exam 2022?

Ans. The overall level of SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift Exam 2022 was Moderate.