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SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism

SBI has released SBI Clerk Notification 2020 to recruit 8000+ candidates for the post of Junior Associate. As per the official notification, SBI Prelims Exam is to be held in the month of February and March. We will provide you daily reasoning quizzes and a study plan to enhance your preparation. Today’s quiz based on- Syllogism.

                                  SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_3.1

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some Conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even, if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Q1. Statements:
Some song are Music
All music is Paper
Only a few paper is exam
I: All exam can be song
II: All song can be paper

Q2. Statements:
Some Today are tomorrow
All tomorrow are yesterday
No yesterday are Laptop
I: Some today are not Laptop
II: No tomorrow is laptop

Q3. Statements:
Some eyes are ears
Some ears are arm
No ears are legs
I. Some eyes are not legs
II. Some Arm are not legs

Q4. Statements:
Only mobile are window
Some mobile is Summit
No summit is Market
I: All market can never be mobile
II: All mobile can never be market

Q5. Statements:
Some Mango are grapes
Only grapes are Orange
No grapes is Red
I. Some mango are orange
II. No orange is mango

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions given below some statements are followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

Q6. Statements:
Some month are year
All year are days
All days are paper
I. Some month are not paper.
II. All days are month.
III. All month are paper.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Either I or III follows
(d) Only III follows
(e) None follows

Q7. Statements:
Some Monday is Tuesday.
Some Tuesday is Friday.
All Friday is Sunday.
I. Some Monday is Sunday
II. Some Tuesday is Sunday.
III. Some Monday is Friday.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Both I and II follow
(d) Only III follows
(e) None follows

Q8. Statements:
Some design are system.
All system is Web.
All design is Device.
I. Some Device is system.
II. All web are design.
III. All system are design.
(a) Only II follows
(b) Both I and III follow
(c) Both II and III follow
(d) Both I and II follow
(e) None of these

Q9. Statements:
Some article are video
No Video is audio
Only a few audio are bottle
I. Some audio are article
II. All bottle can be article
III. All audio can be bottle
(a) Both II and III follow
(b) Only II follows
(c) Both I and II follow
(d) Both I and III follow
(e) Only I follows

Q10. Statements:
Only a few Red are computer
All CPU are computer
All Internet are computer
I. Some internet are CPU
II. All Computer can be red.
III. No CPU is internet
(a) Only II follows
(b) Either I or III follows
(c) Only I follows
(d) None follows
(e) Either I or III and II follow

Directions (11-15): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some Conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even, if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Q11. Statements:
Some frames are circular.
Some rectangle are frames.
Only frames are keys
I: All circular is Frames is a possibility
II: Some rectangles are keys

Q12. Statements:
All Sea are lake.
All sea are example
I: Some lake are example
II: All lake can be Example

Q13. Statements:
All metals are fibres
All wings are plastic.
No metal is wing.
I: Some fibres are metal.
II: Some plastic are not metal

Q14. Statements:
Some wrong are right.
No solution is wrong.
No logic is right.
I: No logic is a solution
II: No right is a solution

Q15. Statements:
Some drink are virus
All drink are software
No drink is water.
I: All virus can never be water.
II: Some water can never be software


SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_4.1 SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_5.1 SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_6.1 SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_7.1 SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_8.1 SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_9.1 SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 7 February 2020: Syllogism |_10.1

If you are preparing for SBI Clerk Prelims Exam, then you can also check out a video for Reasoning below:

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