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SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Daily Mock 21th January 2020: Alphanumeric series

SBI has released SBI Clerk Notification 2020 to recruit 8000+ candidates for the post of Junior Associate. As per the official notification, SBI Prelims Exam is to be held in the month of February and March. We will provide you daily reasoning quizzes and a study plan to enhance your preparation. Today’s quiz based on- Alphanumeric series.

Directions (1-5): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below-

D & 1 K B 6 U 3 % 9 5 $ R π 7 S © 3 F O ≠ 8 Z 4 @ A 2 T # E

Q1. How many such prime numbers are there in the given arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a consonant and preceded by a symbol?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than three

Q2. If the places of those symbols which are immediately followed by numbers are interchanged with those of the numbers in the given arrangement, then which of the following will be the 13th from the right end?
(a) R
(b) ©
(c) 5
(d) S
(e) None of these

Q3. Which of the following element is 8th to the right of the element which is 12th from the left end?
(a) Z
(b) O
(c) ≠
(d) F
(e) @

Q4. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
&K6, %5R, S3O, ?
(a) 8@E
(b) 2#E
(c) 4AT
(d) Z@2
(e) None of these

Q5. If the symbols and numbers are dropped from the given arrangement and then the letters are rearranged in alphabetical order from left to right, then which of the following will be the 10th from the left end?
(a) U
(b) O
(c) T
(d) K
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following alphanumeric series carefully and answer the questions given below:

9 O 2 $ N D U % M 8 E 4 5 * A 7 6 # R © W D & B 3 F ¥

Q6. How many vowels are present in the above series which are immediately followed or preceded by a perfect square?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than three

Q7. Which element is exactly between the elements which are 14th from the left and 16th from the right end?
(a) E
(b) A
(c) 5
(d) 6
(e) none of these

Q8. How many consonants are present in the above series which are immediately followed by an odd number and immediately preceded by a symbol? 
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than three

Q9. If all the consonants are removed from the above series, then which element is 10th to the right of the element which is 8th from the left end?
(a) 3
(b) ©
(c) #
(d) 6
(e) None of these

Q10. How many symbols are between the elements which are 7th from the left end and 9th from the right end?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than three

Directions (11-15): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below: 

F 6 1 M 2 * B % O C # 5 U δ 4 T Z 7 π 9 $ H K A 8 + L E 3

Q11. If all symbols in the above arrangement are dropped, which of the following will be the 14th from the right end?

(a) O
(b) C
(c) 5
(d) 4
(e) None of these

Q12. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by symbol but not immediately followed by a vowel?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than three

Q13. Which of the following element is the tenth to the left of the eighteenth element from the left end of the above arrangement?
(a) %
(b) B
(c) K
(d) O
(e) 5

Q14. How many such number are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by symbol but not immediately preceded by a vowel?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) None of these

Q15. Which of the following is exactly in the middle between A and M in the above arrangement?
(a) T
(b) δ
(c) U
(d) 4
(e) None of these


Solutions (1-5):
S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. π7S, ©3F
S2. Ans.(b)
S3. Ans.(b)
S4. Ans.(d)
S5. Ans.(c)

Solutions (6-10):
S6. Ans.(c)
S7. Ans.(c)
S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. &B3
S9. Ans.(a)
S10. Ans.(d)

Solutions (11-15):
S11. Ans.(c)
S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. *B%, $HK
S13. Ans.(a)
S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. M2*, Z7π, π9$
S15. Ans.(b)

If you are preparing for SBI Clerk Prelims Exam, then you can also check out a video for Reasoning below:

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