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SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Trend of Last 5 Years (2018-2022)

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Trend

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Trend will help the students to understand the Cut off criteria which has been set by the SBI for the last 5 years- 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022. Cut Off trend will give an insight into the cut-off going up and down. Cut Off trend will help to understand how the SBI Clerk cut off released according to the difficulty level of the examination.

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SBI Clerk Cut Off Trend of Last 5 Years (2018-2022)

In this article, we are providing you with a cut-off trend for the previous years which will help you to understand the toughness of the exam. It will also give you a clearer picture of the cut-offs for different states which will give you an understanding of the level of competition in different states. If the location of the job is not an issue & you are willing to learn a new language, you can select the states with higher vacancies.

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Trend for Last 5 Years (2018-2022)

After analyzing the cut-off of all the states from the past 5 years, we can clearly see that the Cut off for SBI Clerk Prelims was lower in the year 2020 than with respect to SBI Clerk Prelims in 2018, 2019 & 2021. One of the major reasons is the SBI Clerk 2020 exam which was Moderate as compared to the exams of 2018, 2019 & 2021 which were on the easier side. In some states, the cut-off for SBI Clerk 2020 was on the higher side & in Some States, the cut-off was moderate due to the number of vacancies.

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut-Off Trend from 2018 to 2022

Candidates can check the cut off trend from 2018 to 2022 of all the states for the SBI Clerk.

States 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Uttarakhand 78.75 81.75 69.75 75.25 71
Gujarat 72.25 64.5 56.75 65.5 57.50
Madhya Pradesh 74.75 81.25 68.75 73.50 66.25
Assam 69.25 68.5 68.25 57 51.25
Uttar Pradesh 77.5 81.25 71.00 72.25 69.25
Punjab 80.75 75.5 77.50 76.25 71.50
Tami Nadu 62.25 61.75 62 61.25 60.00
Rajasthan 75 77.75 68.75 71 69.00
Delhi 82.75 83 76.25 71.25 71.75
Chandigarh 76.5 76 77.25
Arunachal Pradesh 48 69.25 68 59.75
West Bengal 78.5 79.5 67.5 73.25 66.50
Andaman & Nicobar 67 66.25 68.25
Daman & Diu 55.5
Odisha 77 82 58.75 73.5 62.75
Karnataka 64.50 64.25 66 48.50 63.75
Goa 45
Himachal Pradesh 79.5 80 69.75 71.75 68
Kerala 68 80.25 72.75 78 69.00
Haryana 82.5 79.75 66 75.25 70.50
Telangana 69 73.75 59.75 68.50 68.00
Maharashtra 65.5 66.25 68.75 62.50 57.00
Tripura 74.5
Bihar 68.75 76.25 66.50
Manipur 49
Chhattisgarh 72.75 57.50 67.25
Sikkim 66.5
Jharkhand 75 69.25
Andhra Pradesh 74.75 71
Meghalaya 64.75 50.75
Nagaland 57
J&K 77.25 81.75


What are the factors that can influence the SBI Clerk Cut-Off?

The following factors influence the Cut-Off:

  • 1st Factor that influences the cut-off is the Number of vacancies. An increase or decrease in vacancies can influence.
  • 2nd one is the Level of Difficulty, in case the exam is easy, Cut off increases while in the case of tough exams, the cut-off will surely reduce.
  • Lastly is the number of aspirants appearing in the Exam.
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Where can I find SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Trend?

Candidates can find SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Trend of Last 5 Years (2018-2022) in Bankersadda.

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