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SBI Clerk Prelims 2020: Types Of Error Detection questions asked in Exam

English section carries a total of 30 marks in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam which is to be held in the month of February and March 2020 as per the SBI Clerk Official Notification 2020. In this section, error detection/ spotting has a crucial place. The aim behind error detection is to check candidate’s ability to identify sentences that are either correct or require correction. However, most of the student find this topic difficult. Let’s go deep inside to solve all your worries regarding error detection.

SBI has released SBI Clerk Notification 2020 to recruit 8000+ candidates for the post of Junior Associate in State Bank of India. SBI Clerk Recruitment consist of two stages: Prelims and Main followed by LPT (Language Proficiency Test). As the prelims exam will approach in the month of February or March (Dates not announced yet), so you should start the preparation drill from today onwards.

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Error Detection in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 

Sentences are created using a grammatical structure in which a verb follows subject and ends with the object. However, being an aspirant, you must be well-versed with the other sentence parts such as articles, punctuation, tenses, modals, etc. To detect them in a sentence is what error deteaction is meant for. Error Detection is one of the most crucial topic of English Language Section in Banking Exam.

How Many Questions from Error Detection can Appear in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam?

Error Detection cover almost 5-7 marks question out of 30 in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam. Hence, you can not afford to ignore this topic at any cost. Hence, preparing for this topic is the last resort that a candidate can rely on and this will enhance your score as well in the exam.

Types of Error Detection 

Generally, there are 4-5 types of Error Detection that appears in the Prelims examination. We have come up with the general type of error detection here:

1. Old Pattern:

In this type of error, generally a sentence with parts are given, you have to find error in one part.

Example: Here is the example for the same:

Question: The world’s intelligence (A) / agencies had long (B) / assumed as much, (C) / and few of the evidence was new. (D) / No error. (E)

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Solution:  d) ‘few’ will be replaced by ‘little’. Few is used prior to countable nouns and is followed by plural verb. Little is used before uncountable nouns and is followed by singular verb generally.

2. One Bold Error Detection

In these one part is correct and is given in bold, the correction is needed in one part which is not bold.

Example: Here is the example for the same:

Question: Unfortunately, his condition(A)/ deteriorated over the last 36 hours and(B)/ he was put on life support systems(C)/. Despite of the best of efforts(D)/, we have lost him today(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) No error

Solution: Remove ‘of’ after ‘despite’. ‘Despite’ is never followed by ‘of’. Rather, use ‘inspite of’

3. Sentence Based Error

In a sentence based error, Sentence is written in four different ways conveying the same meaning and following the correct grammar structure.

Question: Choose the sentence among the four options which is grammatically incorrect or carrying a grammatical/idiomatic error in it as the answer. If there is no error in any of the sentences, choose (e), i.e. “All are correct” as the answer.

(a) Do not mistake Fire and Fury for a moral exercise.
(b) Fire and Fury should not be mistaken for a moral exercise.
(c) One should not mistake Fire and Fury for a moral exercise.
(d) Fire and Fury ought not to be mistaken in a moral exercise.
(e) All are correct

Solution: All the sentences, except (d), are grammatically correct sentences and they follow the similar meaning. However, in the sentence (d), there is a grammatical error. There is an error of preposition in the sentence; the preposition “in” should be replaced by “for” as in the case of other three sentences to make it grammatically viable. The preposition “for” in this case refers “comparing one thing with others of the same type”. If the preposition “in” is used here, it would alter the exact meaning of the sentence. Hence option (d) is the correct choice.

4. Phrase Replacement: 

A grammatically or unfit phrase will be given in a sentence, you have to correct that from the options given below the question. Sometimes multiple error or phrase replacement is asked.

Question: Walk slowly lest you should not fall.

(a) fast lest you should not
(b) fast lest you should
(c) slowly lest you should
(d) slowly and you should
(e) No correction required

Solution: Option C. “Lest” means “to avoid the risk of”. Lest thus includes ‘Not” in itself. Another Example: Walk fast lest you should miss the train – is the correct sentence.

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Error Detection Preparation Tips

Here are some tips that will help you in solving error detection questions.

  1. Read the complete sentence carefully first. Most of the times, you will be able to pick up the error in the first go. While reading the whole sentence, you must carefully check it’s subject-verb agreement.
  2. After this, carefully check all the spellings as sometimes an error can be spotted in spellings.
  3. If you are not able to detect the error even than or you are still unsure of the correct answer, then you must go through each part of the sentence and closely examine which part has the error.
  4. You prepare some common rules so that you don’t have to experience the negative score in the exam.
  5. Keep a check on your grammar
  6. The tone of the sentence should also be checked.

So, we hope you are now well-versed with the type of error spotting that can be thrown to be you during examination. You can also solve our SBI Clerk Error spotting quiz after keeping the above mentioned points in mind. The link to solve quiz is given below:

SBI Clerk Prelims English Daily Mock

You can also solve error detection mocks of other exam to get a hold over the topics. Here is the link:

All the best!

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