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SBI Clerk Pre Quantitative Aptitude Daily Mock 19 January 2020: Bar Graph, Wrong Series and word problems

Now the Exams of  SBI Prelims is about to happen in a month. Quantitative Aptitude is definitely be helping you if practiced with Sincerity.  The Quiz Containing topics like  mixed topics like Bar Graph, Wrong Series and word problems. Stay with Bankers Adda for latest Quizzes, Study notes, Test series, and other helpful study material.

Q1. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days and 36 days respectively. If A decrease his efficiency by 33 ⅓% and B increase his efficiency by 100%, then how many days they will complete the remaining work together if half of the work completed before changing in their efficiencies?
(a) 2.5 days
(b) 4 days
(c) 4.5 days
(d) 3.6 days
(e) 7.2 days

Q2. The length and the breadth of rectangular field are in the ratio of 8 : 7. If charges of the painting the boundary of rectangle is @ Rs. 20 per meter is Rs. 3000. What is the area of rectangular plot ?
(a) 1300 meter²
(b) 1500 meter²
(c) 1375 meter²
(d) 1400 meter²
(e) 1475 meter²

Q3. A train travelling at 48 kmph completely crosses another train having half its length and traveling in the opposite direction at 42 kmph in 12 seconds. What is the length of the longer train?
(a) 60 metre
(b) 100 metre
(c) 150 metre
(d) 200 metre
(e) 250 metre

Q4. A man can row a distance of 2 km upstream in 15 minutes and returns the same distance in 10 minutes. How much time will he take to row the same distance upstream if due to a tide the speed of the current gets doubled?
(a) 25 minutes
(b) 45 minutes
(c) 20 minutes
(d) Can’t be determined
(e) None of these

Q5. Two trains of equal lengths are running on parallel tracks in the same direction at 46 km/h and 36 km/h, respectively. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 sec. The length of each train is
(a) 50 m
(b) 80 m
(c) 72 m
(d) 82 m
(e) 92 m

Directions (6-10): Study the following bar graph which shows import of three different things (in tonnes) over five different years by India from foreign countries
Observe the bar-graph and answer the following questions.

SBI Clerk Prelims Quant Daily Mock: 19th January 2020_3.1

Q6. Crude oil imported in the year 2008 is approximately what percent of crude oil imported in the year 2007?
(a) 142%
(b) 117%
(c) 133%
(d) 148%
(e) 153%

Q7. Find the average of Gold imported over all the years (in tonnes)
(a) 210 tonnes
(b) 250 tonnes
(c) 270 tonnes
(d) 240 tonnes
(e) 310 tonnes

Q8. The electronic goods imported in year 2007 and 2008 together is what percent of crude oil imported in 2006 and 2007 together?
(a) 165%
(b) 155%
(c) 145%
(d) 135%
(e) 125%

Q9. Find the difference between total import of gold and total import of electronic goods over all the years.
(a) 75 tonnes
(b) 85 tonnes
(c) 60 tonnes
(d) 65 tonnes
(e) 40 tonnes

Q10. What is the ratio of total import of crude oil to total import of gold from 2004 to 2006 together?
(a) 28 : 25
(b)25 : 28
(c) 4 : 7
(d) 7 : 4
(e) 21 : 29

Directions (11-15): In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
Q11. 8835, 9023, 9213, 9405, 9598, 9795
(a) 9023
(b) 9598
(c) 9213
(d) 9795
(e) 8835

Q12. 1250, 500, 200, 80, 33, 12.8
(a) 80
(b) 12.8
(c) 33
(d) 500
(e) 1250

Q13. 1716, 2185, 2730, 3360, 4080, 4896
(a) 2185
(b) 2730
(c) 3360
(d) 4896
(e) 1716

Q14. 137, 274, 411, 548, 684, 822, 959
(a) 959
(b) 411
(c) 274
(d) 684
(e) 822

Q15. 8, 12, 18, 27, 40.5, 60, 91.125
(a) 8
(b) 18
(c) 60
(d) 91.125
(e) 12


SBI Clerk Prelims Quant Daily Mock: 19th January 2020_4.1

SBI Clerk Prelims Quant Daily Mock: 19th January 2020_5.1

SBI Clerk Prelims Quant Daily Mock: 19th January 2020_6.1

SBI Clerk Prelims Quant Daily Mock: 19th January 2020_7.1

SBI Clerk Prelims Quant Daily Mock: 19th January 2020_8.1

SBI Clerk Prelims Quant Daily Mock: 19th January 2020_9.1

3. SBI Clerk 2020 Eligibility Criteria
4. SBI Clerk 2020 Salary
5. SBI Clerk 2020 Exam Dates
6. SBI Clerk 2020 Exam Pattern
7. SBI Clerk 2020 Syllabus
8. SBI Clerk Previous Years Cut-off Analysis
9. SBI Clerk Previous Years’ Papers: Download PDF
10. SBI Clerk 2020 Result

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