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SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 15 January, Exam Review

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023 Shift 2 is over now and the candidates coming out from the exam center are very eager to know the SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023 for shift 2. Therefore we have come up with the complete SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023 which includes, good attempts, section-wise analysis, and the difficulty level of the examination.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level

The difficulty level of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam Shift 2 is provided on the basis of the feedback received from the candidates who have appeared in the examination. The overall difficulty level of the exam was Moderate to Difficult. Here candidates can check the complete section-wise difficulty level of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023 for the 2nd shift.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level
Sections Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability & Computer Knowledge Moderate to Difficult
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate to Difficult
English Language Moderate
General/Financial Awareness Moderate to Difficult
Overall Moderate to Difficult

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023 in Hindi, Shift 2 (15 January)

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts

The overall good attempts of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023 are 79 to 87.  Good attempts are being calculated on the basis of many factors like the number of vacancies, the number of candidates who have appeared in the examination, and the difficulty level of the examination. Here we have provided the section-wise number of good attempts in today’s SBI Clerk Mains Exam Shift 2.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level
Sections Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability & Computer Knowledge 23-25
Quantitative Aptitude 19-21
English Language 25-27
General/Financial Awareness 12-14
Overall 79-87

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Section Wise

We understand the curiosity to know the topics from which questions have been asked therefore we are providing you below the SBI Clerk Mains Exam section-wise analysis for all the sections.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

The overall level of the Quantitative Aptitude in the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2nd shift was Moderate to Difficult. Questions in the Arithmetic section were from Average, Profit & Loss, Time and Work, Percentage, etc. Here we have provided the section-wise analysis in the given table.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. of Questions
Data Interpretation (Tabular Based) 5
Profit Loss-Based Data Interpretation 5
Data Interpretation (Liner) 5
Data Interpretation ( Double Pie Chart) 3
Quantity I Quantity II 4
Approximation 5
Data Sufficiency 5
Number Series (Double) 2
Caselet 5
Quadratic Equation 3
Arithmetic 8
Total 50

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: English Language

The overall difficulty level of the English Language section was Moderate. Questions in the English language section were from Reading Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Rearrangement, etc. The overall good attempts of this section were 25 to 27.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: English Language
Topics No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Human Nature) 5
Reading Comprehension 5
Para Jumble 5
Error Detection (Double Error) 5
Word Swap 4
Phrase Replacement 5
Sentence Rearrangement 5
Miscellaneous Questions 6
Total 40

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude

As per the review received from candidates & our analysis, the overall level of this section was Moderate to Difficult. Here we have provided the number of question-wise weightage of the Reasoning Ability Section in the given table.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
Topics No. of Questions
Liner Seating Arrangement Age (6 Person) 5
Month & City Based Puzzle (8 Person) 5
Year Based Puzzle 5
Coding Decoding (Quantity Based) 1
Seating Arrangement Row Based (16 Person) North South 5
Coded Inequalities 3
Coded Blood Relation 3
Coded Coding Decoding 4
Input Output 4
Data Sufficiency 4
Numeric Series(Rules & Steps Based) 3
Logical Reasoning 8
Total 50

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023: General Awareness

The General Awareness section consisted of 50 questions with a sectional time duration of 35 minutes. Here we have provided the General awareness questions that were asked in today’s SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023.

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SBI Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2, 15 January: Video Link


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What are the overall good attempts of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam Shift 2?

The overall good attempts in SBI Clerk Mains Exam Shift 2 were 79-87.

 What is the time duration of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023?

The time duration of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023 is 2 hours and 40 minutes.

What is the difficulty level of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2nd Shift 2023?

The overall difficulty level of the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2nd Shift was Moderate to Difficult.

 Is there any negative marking in the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023?

Yes, 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer in the SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023.

Is there any sectional timing in SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023?

Yes, there is a sectional timing in SBI Clerk Mains Exam 2023.